February 5, 2021
9:00 am
WebEx Meeting
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Minutes from November 6, 2020 WebEx Meeting,
December 10, 2020 SBE Educator Preparation &
Licensure Subcommittee WebEx Meeting, and
January 15, 2021 Testing & Accountability
Subcommittee WebEx Meeting
C. 2021 Basic Education Program (BEP) Review Committee Appointments
List of proposed 2021 BEP Committee members.
II. Action Items (First Reading – ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105
First reading of item to present pedagogical and content assessment requirements for integrated early childhood birth-K and preK-3 endorsements.
B. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
This item was removed from consideration during the meeting. Board members voted to ask for the policy to be revised and brought on first reading at a future meeting.
First reading of item to propose a new option for educators to add an additional endorsement. The item would allow Tennessee educators with a license to earn an additional endorsement by completing an additional endorsement program developed and administered by the TDOE, receiving recommendation for endorsement by the TDOE, and submitting qualifying scores on all required content assessments.
C. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.03- through -.05
First reading of item to propose revisions to allow educators to use specific nationally recognized credentials to reactivate a Tennessee School Services Personnel license. In addition, to align with a pathway for teacher licenses, this item recommends a pathway for School Counselors to obtain a professional license if they hold National Board Certification in School Counseling. The item also presents revisions to create a licensure pathway for speech-language pathologist assistants (SLPAs).
D. Educator Preparation Rule 0520-02-04-.10 Clinical Experiences
First reading of item to expand the type of setting an educator may complete clinical practice and allows educators to request an alternative clinical practice placement, including placement in certain categories of non-public schools for the duration of the clinical practice requirement.
E. Employment Standards Rule 0520-02-06-.04 Additional Support Personnel
First reading of item to create multiple pathway for individuals to serve in the role of Speech Language Pathology Assistant (SLPAs).
F. Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201
First reading of revised Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Policy to remove requirements that effect the rights and privileges of third parties because several portions of the policy were moved to the Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Rule.
G. School Facilities Rule 0520-01-04
First reading of item to present revisions to clean-up rule language and correct outdated statutory citations. As federal law does not require a state education agency to review a school district’s building plans, this item removes the requirement that the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) review school building plans impacting students with disabilities.
H. Repeal Charter School New Start, Renewal, and Revocations Rule 0520-14-01-.02
First reading of item to repeal rule as the responsibility for these actions has shifted to the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission.
I. Charter School Quality Charter Authorizing Standards Policy 6.111
First reading of item to make revisions based on the opportunities for clarification that arose as part of the charter authorizer evaluation pilot in Fall 2020.
J. Charter School Authorizer Evaluations Policy 6.113
First reading of item to provide further explanation and detail to State Board Rule 0520-14-01-.08.
K. Charter Schools Rule 0520-14-01-.05 Annual Authorizer Fee
First reading of item to revise the rule in alignment with changes to Public Chapter 219 and make other clarifications.
L. Continuous Learning Plans (CLP) Rule 0520-01-17
First reading of item to establish a permanent rule regarding the expectation for districts and public charter schools to maintain continuous learning plans to address disruptions to operations due to COVID-19 or other declared emergencies.
III. Action Items (Final Reading – ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Educator Diversity Policy 5.700
Final reading item to create a policy on educator diversity pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-1-302(g). The policy includes parameters for LEAs to set goals related to educator diversity, LEA strategies to retain and recruit educators of color, and monitoring requirements for the Department. There have been changes since first reading.
B. English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs Rule 0520-01-19
Final reading of item to move components of ESL Policy 3.207 into a newly created ESL Program Rule in accordance with Public Chapter 929 of 2018. There have been changes since first reading.
C. Standards for School Administered Child Care Programs Rule 0520-12-01-.10 Health and Safety
Final reading of item to add new background check requirements in accordance with new child abuse reporting requirements pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-6-1601. There have been changes since first reading.
D. Special Education Programs and Services Rule 0520-01-09
Final reading of item to make clerical changes to Special Education Programs and Services Rule 0520-01-09 to reflect statutory updates that went into effect in April 2019, in addition to making clerical changes to align language in the rule with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). There have been changes since first reading.
E. District and School Operations Rule 0520-01-02-.10 Homebound Instruction
Final reading of item to clarify eligibility requirements for homebound instruction under T.C.A. § 49-10-1101, clarifies definitions, and outlines the role of a student’s IEP team in medical homebound decision-making. There have been changes since first reading.
F. Administrative Rules – State Special Schools Rule 0520-04-03
Final reading of item to revise admission and eligibility requirements for the Tennessee School for the Blind (TSB) and the Tennessee School for the Deaf (TSD) if students meet eligibility requirements. There have been changes since first reading.
G. License Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation Policy 5.501
Final reading of item to revise this policy with recent statutory changes and other procedural updates. There have been changes since first reading.
H. District and School Operations Rule 0520-01-02-.11 School Board Training
Final reading of item to update provisions for the training of local school board members. There have been changes since first reading.
I. Charter Schools Rule 0520-14-01-.06 Amendments to the Charter Agreement and Appeals Process
Final reading of rule that clarifies the timeline of when a chartering authority must submit to a charter school its grounds for denial of a charter amendment application. There have been changes since first reading.
J. Literacy and Specialty Area Standards for Educator Preparation Policy 5.505
Final reading of item that proposes to add a new endorsement to the Literacy and Specialty Area Standards for Educator Preparation Policy in the area of Mathematics 6-10. There have been changes since first reading.
K. Educator Preparation Permanent Rule 0520-02-04-.03 Eligible Educator Preparation Providers
Final reading of rule to address eligibility requirements for LEAs or consortiums of LEAs seeking to become educator preparation providers due to lack of state assessment data for 2019-20 because of the COVID-19 Public Health
Emergency. This rule was on final reading in July but needs to be brought on final reading again for rule promulgation. There have been changes since first reading.
L. Charter Schools Rule 0520-14-01-.08 Authorizer Evaluation
Final reading of rule to define the overall evaluation process and the follow up actions of the State Board based on the evaluation. There have been changes since first reading.
M. Educator Preparation Providers (EPP) and Specialty Area Programs (SAP) Approvals
First and final reading of item of TDOE recommendations for approval of Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) and Specialty Area Programs (SAPs). Reviews are staggered and occur on a seven-year review cycle.
Attachment 1 - Lipscomb University Attachment 5 - Cumberland University
Attachment 2 - Lincoln Memorial University Attachment 6 - King University
Attachment 3 - Union University Attachment 7 - Aquinas College
Attachment 4 - TN Wesleyan University
N. Textbook and Instructional Materials Waiver Request
First and final reading of an item to act on Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools’ requests for textbook and instructional materials waivers for in-person instruction during the 2020-21 school year only.
O. Additional Local Education Agency (LEA) COVID-19 Waivers
First and final read item of waivers of state laws and State Board of Education rules and policies requested by LEAs due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. This is the last opportunity for LEAs to request waivers pursuant to PC 652 which expires on March 1, 2021.
P. Tennessee Academic Standards for Mathematics
Final reading of item to revise the Tennessee Academic Standards for Mathematics in alignment with the standards review cycle established in T.C.A. § 49-1-311 through 314. Revised standards will take effect in the 2023-24 school year, if approved. There have been changes since first reading.
IV. Charter School Appeal Actions (ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Intrepid College Prep Appeal
First and final reading of a charter school amendment appeal from Intrepid College Prep to the State Board of Education.
V. Teacher License Actions (ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Sherri Baffa – Revocation, Automatic
B. Mandy Brewer – Revocation, Automatic
C. Brandi Garner – Suspension, 2 Years
D. Carla Haynes – Suspension, 6 Months, Retroactive
E. Eric McClanahan – Suspension, 2 Years
F. Kim Prout – Suspension, 3 Months, Retroactive
G. Robert Ring – Revocation, Automatic, Permanent
H. Triosha Webster – Revocation, Automatic
I. John A. Young – Restoration Denial
VI. Election of Board Officers (ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL)
VII. Adjournment