Lead-based Paint Certification Exam

Toxic Substances Program is offering the Lead-Based Paint Third-Party Certification Examination online through Motlow Community College


The third-party examination for lead-based paint (LBP) certification is brought to you through a partnership between the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 4, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Tennessee Board of Regents, and Motlow State Community College. The third-party certification national exams for LBP supervisor, inspector, and risk assessor were last updated by USEPA in May 2014.  These exams were again updated in March 2021 to reflect the new federal Dust Lead Hazards Standards (effective 1/6/2020) and federal Clearance Levels (effective 3/8/2021).

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the USEPA under a grant agreement (# BG-01D09302-0) with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.

TDEC’s Commissioner requires all individuals applying for LBP certification to take the third-party national examination upon completion of an accredited training course in the corresponding discipline. These certification exams are now available to be administered online. To receive approval to take an exam, please click on the link below to complete an exam authorization form. The exam authorization form and fees must be submitted first to the LBP Program at 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 10th Floor, Nashville, TN 37243, Attn: Robbyn Smith.

• Exam Authorization Form - Available upon request
Certification Examination Training and Study Guide
• Exam Reference Material – Materials will be e-mail to students upon the completion of the exam authorization form submitted with payment

Applicants applying for initial LBP certification with the State of Tennessee LBP Program may apply to take the Commissioner’s third-party exam within six months from the course completion date, for the following disciplines: inspector, risk assessor, or supervisor.  Students must pass the third-party certification exam in the appropriate discipline with a score of 70% or better.

After completing and passing the certification exam, applicants must complete the certification application process.  To obtain individual LBP certification, please download the Application to Conduct Lead-based Paint Activities – Individual (CN-1297) and follow the instructions.

To obtain firm LBP certification, please download the Application to Conduct Lead-based Paint Activities – Firm (CN-1298).

Schedule to take the Third-Party Lead Examination

To take the lead-based paint third-party exam, please request an exam application from the LBP Program at (888) 771-5323 or contact Robbyn Smith at (615) 532-6877.

The appropriate application and exam fees must be submitted to the LBP Program at 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 14th Floor, Nashville, TN 37243, Attn: Robbyn Smith.

The LBP exam is administered on-line, once your application is approved you will receive an access link from the examiner with instructions.  An individual may request to take an on-site exam in our Nashville Central Office location at 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 14th Floor for assistance contact Robbyn.Smith@tn.gov to schedule your date and time.

Robbyn Smith