Wild Hogs
Hogs in Tennessee

Wild hogs are invasive exotic animals that cause extensive damage to crops and wildlife habitats, contribute to erosion and water pollution, and carry diseases harmful to livestock and humans. In Tennessee, they are classified as a species deemed destructive and it is illegal to possess, transport, or release live wild hogs. The damage wild hogs cause has become more common and widespread during the last fifteen years as they have gone from being present in 15 counties in Tennessee to being present in nearly 80 of a total of 95 counties.
In 1999, TWRA made an attempt to control the expansion of the wild hog population by opening a statewide wild hog season with no bag limit. Unfortunately, it was during this period of unlimited hunting that the wild hog population expanded the most. Disjointed populations of hogs began to occur in areas of Tennessee where they had never existed before as the result of illegal stocking by individuals whose goal was to establish local hunting opportunities. In 2011, new regulations were enacted that changed wild hog management.
Wild hogs are not regarded as big game animals in Tennessee any longer. In order to remove the incentive to relocate wild hogs, they are considered a destructive species to be controlled by methods other than sport hunting. A 2015 statewide mail survey of randomly selected farmers and landowners from counties with known presence of wild hogs was conducted to assess their knowledge of and attitudes towards wild hogs, and the type and extent of damage from wild hogs.
Out of 5,000 that were invited, 1620 participated in the survey, (32.5% response rate). Responses were analyzed to characterize public attitude, and support for eradication programs and to estimate the statewide economic impact of damage attributable to wild hogs. The study surveyed landowners in counties known to have established populations of wild hogs. Results indicate that while the wild hogs and the damages are limited to certain parts of the state, the total impact is substantial, with the estimated value of damage of over $26 million.
Landowners spent nearly $2 million in estimated cost of controlling wild hogs on their property, resulting in a total of $28.31 million in value of damage and control cost incurred. Results from this study have implications for managing wild hogs and informing decision-making among government and private institutions concerned with wild hog problems in Tennessee. The results indicate the type, and intensity of damages caused by wild hogs, and may serve as useful baseline information to compare with future assessments of damage.
Responsibilities and Exemption Options
Landowners Without an Exemption
Landowners without an exemption (and those meeting the landowner license exemption criteria, see https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/twra/license-sales.html#farmlandexemption) may:
- Employ USDA Wildlife Services staff to assist them with hog control efforts.
- Shoot wild hogs without limit, year-round, during daylight hours, with any weapon and ammunition legal for taking big and small game.
- Trap with bait outside of big game seasons. Bait may not be used during big game hunting seasons unless an exemption from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency has been obtained. All hogs must be killed before removal from traps.
Landowners with a Base Exemption
Landowners may obtain a Base Wild Hog Exemption from their TWRA regional office enabling them to :
- Kill wild hogs at night with the aid of artificial light, night vision, or thermal, February 1 – August 15. Exemptions do not authorize shooting, casting artificial light, scoping, or using night vision or thermal devices from public roadways.
- Designate up to ten (10) individuals to assist them with wild hog control efforts.
- For properties over 1000 acres, an additional designee per 100 acres may be assigned.
- Trap with bait year-round.
Landowners with an Enhanced Exemption
- Landowners with a Base Exemption may request an Enhanced Wild Hog Exemption. Enhanced Exemptions are issued at the officer’s discretion based on hog damage. This exemption may authorize the landowner to employ additional control methods within a specified date range to include
- Year-round night shooting with the aid of artificial light, night vision, or thermal devices. Exemptions do not authorize shooting, casting artificial light, scoping, or using night vision or thermal devices from public roadways.
- Shooting over bait.
- No ammunition-type restrictions.
- Use of dogs. Dogs will only be authorized to prevent the imminent destruction of agricultural products. It is the duty of a landowner to notify their neighbors when they intend to use dogs.
The TWRA acknowledges the significant importance of Tennessee’s agricultural industry to the State’s economy and well-being. It is further acknowledged that wild, or wild-appearing, hogs have a growing detrimental impact on this industry. In consideration of this, and noting, the challenges faced in dispatching wild hogs throughout a crop’s growing season, the Executive Director may authorize the use of alternative manner and means of dispatching wild hogs by Agency personnel and/or their representative to protect agricultural property from such impacts.
Reporting and Exemption Renewals
Landowners or their designees are required to report the number of hogs killed on their property and the manner in which they were killed to TWRA at the end of each year for annual exemption renewal. Landowners can now report kills, manage designees, and renew their base exemption at https://twra.state.tn.us/Exemptions/
Private Animal Control Help
Landowners may also hire TWRA permitted private animal control businesses to help with a trapping program and/or additional wild hog control techniques. Other technical assistance can be acquired by contacting USDA Wildlife Services at 615-736-5506.
Wild hogs can only be taken on designated public areas, summarized below. Refer to specific regulations for individual WMAs for more details. Individuals licensed to hunt bears may also take wild hogs during any proclaimed bear-dog hunt.
Region 1 - West TN |
During deer season by licensed deer hunters |
Meemen-Shelby State Park Big Hill Pond State Park (portion south of the railroad tracks) |
Region 3 - Cumberland Plateau |
During any deer hunt by licensed deer hunters |
Alpine Mountain WMA Bridgestone-Firestone WMA Skinner Mountain WMA South Cherokee WMA Standing Stone State Forest Tellico Lake WMA Catoosa WMA |
Two (2) 5-day control seasons, use of dogs permitted |
Catoosa WMA |
Regions 3 and 4 |
With a special permit during deer season and Jan.–Feb. small game season |
Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area |
Region 4 - East TN |
During any big game hunt by licensed big game hunters |
North Cherokee WMA |
During any deer or turkey hunt by licensed big game hunters |
Kyker Bottoms WMA Rankin WMA |
During any big or small game hunt by licensed hunters |
Foothills WMA North Cumberland WMA |
Wild hogs are known carriers of at least 45 different parasites and diseases that pose a threat to livestock, pets, wildlife, and in some cases, human health. The United States Department of Agriculture recognizes these risks and recommends the following precautions when handling deceased wild hogs:
- Always wear disposable plastic or rubber gloves when field-dressing, cleaning, and butchering a wild pig carcass. Avoid direct contact with blood and reproductive organs.
- As soon as possible, wash hands with soap and hot water after dressing wild hogs.
- Burn or bury gloves and remains from butchered wild hogs.
- Cook wild hog meat thoroughly.
- The transporting of feral, wild, or wild-appearing hogs within the State of Tennessee shall not occur unless such movement meets the requirements as set forth by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture.
- The possession of hogs originating from the wild is prohibited.
The following video was created to help the public understand an order by the state veterinarian regarding feral, wild, and wild-appearing hogs.