Hop-In Refuge

Directions and Description

WMA Interactive Map

Directions:  if you are coming from Kenton in Obion County Tennessee, take Hwy 89 east until the road passes over the Obion River, at the sharp bend to the right (east), make a left on Old Kenton Road, then take a left on McRight Road that provides access to the refuge.  Lat: 36.2511°N Long: -88.97809°W

The Refuge is open during daylight hours to foot traffic only when gates are closed, except from November 1st through the last day of February when it is closed to all forms of use and trespass. Entrance gates will be open during hunting seasons, but may be closed without prior notice for safety and management reasons, please note hunting seasons.  Licensing fees may apply.

TWRA Contact Information: Region 1 Office 1-731-423-5725  Toll-Free 1-800-372-3928 e-mail the office TWRA Area Manager: Rob Lewis 1-731-749-5587

Description: Hop-In Refuge is located in Obion County Tennessee and is approximately 650 acres.  The Refuge is on the South Fork of the Obion River, Hwy. 89 near Kenton Tennessee with fields that are cultivated in the summer with crops and flooded in the winter for waterfowl.  A large number of waterfowl (possibly over 50,000 individuals) and the largest wintering Sandhill Crane population in West Tennessee define the importance of this site.  Waterfowl are able to overwinter on the site because it is a quality resting area.  

Regulations & Dates

Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 1 - the last day of Feb.

CWD Carcass Transportation Regulations Apply

Big Game, Small Game, and Trapping are the same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

Closed to Dove, Quail, Waterfowl, and Fall Turkey hunting.

Turkey - One (1) non-quota hunt: April 12 - May 4, 2025. Bag limit is one (1) male bearded turkey. Counts toward statewide bag limit.

Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.

TN Hunting Season Summary

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