Tennessee State Board of Education Releases First Annual Master Plan Report

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 | 01:00pm


Tennessee State Board of Education Releases

First Annual Master Plan Report

Focusing on State-wide Outcomes To Support Student Success

The State Board of Education is pleased to release our first annual Master Plan Report which focuses on state-wide outcomes and the State Board’s efforts to ensure our rules, policies, and systems are working together to support student success. In 2022, the State Board revised its plan for K-12 education to elevate four intentional strategic focus areas and to set ambitious yet attainable incremental goals. The 2023 Report outlines the State Board’s key focus areas, the steps we have taken over the last year to strengthen rules, policies, and systems, and Tennessee’s state-wide outcomes to date. 

“We share this information with the understanding that we must be transparent about our outcomes, measure our progress, and construct innovative solutions together. Please continue to engage with your appointed board member as we work together to ensure all students in Tennessee are prepared for postsecondary and life success,” says State Board Chairman Bob Eby and Executive Director, Dr. Sara Morrison

The State Board is charged by state law, T.C.A. § 49-1-302 with developing and maintaining a master plan for public education, kindergarten through grade twelve, and providing recommendations to the executive branch, the general assembly and the local boards of education and directors of schools regarding the use of public funds for education. 

The State Board’s master plan provides a lens through which all Tennesseans can examine state-level efforts and determine if rules and policies are positioning school districts to effectively prepare Tennessee students for workforce, post-secondary success, and productive citizenship. The State Board regularly evaluates progress and updates its master plan to inform recommendations regarding the use of public funds for education every three years. The master plan can be viewed on the State Board website here
