August 16, 2024
9:00 am to 12:30 pm
Davy Crockett Tower Conference Room 1-A 500 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 Livestream link: https://bit.ly/3VPP4rY
Welcome and Introductions
I. Consent Items
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Minutes from May 31, 2024 SBE Meeting, and
July 15, 2024 Special Called Virtual Meeting
C. Teacher Licensure Discipline Settlement Approvals
An item to approve settlements on four licensure
actions as recommended by State Board attorneys.
II. Report Items
A. State Board of Education Member Reports
Members will share information about participation in regional stakeholder groups and days in the district.
B. Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) Allocations for Fiscal Year 2024-25
Report from the State Department of Education on the 2024-25 TISA Allocations.
C. Virtual Education Program Annual Report
Report by the Department of Education providing information relative to the operation and viability of public virtual schools and virtual education programs for the 2022-23 school year.
D. Special Education Advisory Council Annual Report
Report by the Special Education Advisory Council presenting its views of the progress or lack of progress made in special education by the state, its agencies and institutions, and its school districts during the 2021-22 school year.
III. Automatic Teacher Licensure Actions
A. Automatic Teacher Licensure Actions: Revocation & Permanent Revocation
Item to approve automatic licensure revocation actions as recommended by State Board attorneys.
IV. Teacher Licensure Discipline Actions
A. Justin Anglin – Formal Reprimand
C. Jonathan Crowder – Suspension, Two (2)-Months Concurrent with Kentucky
D. Shalandas Grandberry – Suspension, One (1)-Year with Professional Development
E. Robert Reid – Suspension, Two (2)-Years with Proof of Treatment
F. Tiffany Roberson – Suspension, Three (3)-Months Retroactive with Professional Development
G. Asia Rogers – Suspension, One (1)-Year Concurrent with Arkansas
H. Emily Romine – Formal Reprimand with Professional Development
I. Andrew Schuster – Permanent Prohibition from Reactivation
J. Katherine Smith – Suspension, One (1)-Year
K. Jacob Witter – Formal Reprimand
V. Action Items (First Reading)
Note: Redlines reflect changes proposed on first reading ONLY.
A. Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105
First reading of item to clarify assessment requirements for various endorsements.
B. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.03, -.05, -.08, and -.10
First reading of item to revise various sections of the rule to amend degree requirements for license issuance to include regional and nationally recognized accreditation organizations approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the United States Department of Education (USDOE).
C. Educator Preparation Rule 0520-02-04-.04, -.08, and -.10
First reading of item to amend EPP approval and admission requirements to include regional and nationally recognized accreditation organizations approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the United States Department of Education (USDOE) and to strengthen requirements for clinical mentors supporting candidates completing an internship clinical practice.
D. District and Schools Operations – Equitable Services for Students in Non-Public Schools Rule 0520-01-02-.34 First reading of item to propose a new rule that formalizes the requirement that home school students are included in all proportionate share calculations and are eligible for equitable services in accordance with federal law.
E. Repeal School Safety Rule 0520-01-02-.30
First reading of item to repeal School Safety Rule 0520-01-02-.30 as the requirements in the rule are either outdated or contained in law.
F. Health Education Course Standards
First reading of item to revise the Health Education Standards to add prevention of internet crimes to the 9-12 standards in accordance with Chapter 571 of the Public Acts of 2024. This item also makes minor clerical corrections to the K-5 and 6-8 standards.
Grades K-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12
Grades K-5 Redline Grades 6-8 Redline Grades 9-12 Redline
G. Academic and Instructional Requirements - Promotion and Retention Rule 0520- 01-03-.16
First reading of item to update the Promotion and Retention Rule to align with Chapter 829 and Chapter 989 of the Public Acts of 2024. Revisions detail the definition of a documented academic and behavioral delay if a parent chooses to retain a student in grades K-2 and updates promotion pathways to the 5th grade if student does not demonstrate adequate growth on the 4th grade TCAP.
H. Academic and Instructional Requirements - Universal Student Screeners and State Adopted Benchmark Assessments Rule 0520-01-03-.15
First reading of item to remove references in the rule to the summer programming pe-test to align with Chapter 639 of the Public Acts of 2024.
I. Residential Mental Health Facilities Rules 0520-01-20-.02 through -.05
First reading of item to effectuate Public Chapter 884 of the 2024 legislative session. This item updates the Residential Mental Health Facilities Rule to align student eligibility and facility requirements with Public Chapter 884 for LEAs to allocate state and local funding to out-of-state residential mental health facilities under certain conditions.
J. Middle Grades Policy 2.102
First reading of item to add the middle school computer science course requirement to the policy to align with the law.
K. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Course Standards
First reading of revisions to several CTE courses.
Advanced Manfacturing Advance Manfacturing Redline
Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Redline
Architecture and Construction Architecture and Construction Redline
Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, & Communications Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, & Communications Redline
Business Management & Administration Business Management & Administration Redline
Career Awareness Courses Career Awareness Courses Redline
Education & Training Education & Training Redline
Preparing for the ACT, Postsecondary & Career Preparing for the ACT, Postsecondary & Career Redline
Finance Finance Redline
Public Management & Administration Public Management & Administration Redline
Health Science Health Science Redline
Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality & Tourism Redline
Human Services Human Services Redline
Information Technology Informtion Technology Redline
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Redline
Marketing, Distribution, & Logistics Marketing, Distribution, & Logistics Redline
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Redline
Transportation Transportation Redline
L. State Approved Textbooks: Section D (Science)
First reading of item to approve the preliminary science materials for adoption.
M. Charter Schools Rules 0520-14-01-.01, and -.03 through -.05
First reading of an item to revise various sections of the Charter Schools Rule to align with recently passed legislation establishing the opportunity charter school and LEA requirements for reporting vacant and underutilized property.
VI. Action Items (Final Reading)
Note: Redlines reflect changes proposed between first and final reading ONLY. For changes proposed and approved on first reading, please refer to the relevant agenda item from a previous meeting.
A. Educator Licensure – Educator License Types, Endorsements, Permits, and Requirements for the Limited License Rules 0520-02-03 -.02, and -.11 through -.13
Final reading of item to revise various sections of the Educator Licensure Rule to align with recently passed legislation, including extending the validity period for professional-level licenses and authorizing the Department of Education to issue temporary teaching permits for elementary P.E. courses and courses with an end-of-course exam. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
B. Employment Standards Rules 0520-02-06-.01 and -.02
Final reading of item to revise the Employment Standards Rule to add flexibility to individuals to teach year one career and technical education (CTE) courses and creates an employment standard to allow any educator holding an active educator license to teach a course with an end-of-course (EOC) examination if the educator holds a qualifying score on the applicable assessment. There have been minor changes to this item since first reading.
C. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
Final reading of item to revise the Educator Licensure Policy to outline the requirements for educators to add the Dance endorsement and updates endorsement codes for English as a Second Language (ESL), Health and Wellness, and Physical Education endorsements in the K-8 and 6-12 grade-band splits. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
D. Occupational Educator Scholarship Program Rules 0520-02-05-.03 through -.05
Final reading of item to revise the Occupational Educator Scholarship Program rule to change the number of years a recipient must agree to teach to be eligible for the scholarship. Revisions also define timelines signifying a repayment delinquency and account default and consequences therein. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
E. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504
Final reading of item to revise various sections of the Educator Preparation Policy to better align with recent rule revisions. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
F. Career and Technical Education - Coordination and Supervision of Student Work-Based Learning Experience Rule 0520- 01-07-.04
Final reading of item to align the rule with Chapter 543 of the Public Acts of 2024 that increases the maximum number of work-based learning credits a student may earn in a school year. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
G. Educator Evaluation Policy 5.201
Final reading of item to update the achievement measure worksheet in the Educator Evaluation Policy. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
H. Repeal Mental Health Standards and Guidelines Policy 4.209
Final reading of item to repeal the Mental Health Standards and Guidelines Policy because the guidelines and recommendations contained in this policy are now included in and fully addressed by other policies and Department programs. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
I. Parent/Family Involvement and Engagement Policy 4.207
Final reading of item to revise the Parent/Family Involvement and Engagement Policy to remove language regarding Community Schools because community schools are primarily a partnership between school districts and community partners. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
J. English Language Development Standards
Final reading of item to adopt the ELPA21 standards as Tennessee’s English Language Development Standards. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
ELPA21 Attachment WiDA Attachment
K. World Language Standards
Final reading of item to recommend revisions to the Tennessee World Language Standards based on feedback from elementary to high school educators, district instructional supervisors, and higher education faculty. There have been minor changes to this item since first reading.
L. Education Savings Accounts Rules 0520-01-16-.02, -.04, -.06, -.08, and -.11
Final reading of item to revise the Education Savings Account Program rule to amend requirements for participating schools regarding criminal background checks and financial viability. Revisions also remove the requirement for appeals to be submitted via USPS mail. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
M. Board Meetings Policy 1.400
Final reading of policy to remove requirements for requesting to provide a public comment at a State Board meeting, as these requirements are now required to be contained in rule. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
N. Repeal Interscholastic Athletics Rule 0520-01-02-.08
Final reading of item to repeal Interscholastic Athletics Rule as the Board no longer has authority to govern interscholastic athletics and such requirements outlined in this rule are already contained in statute and/or regulated by athletic associations. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
O. Repeal Preface Rule 0520-01-01
Final reading of item to repeal Preface Rule as the rule is merely a re-statement of requirements set forth in state law and the state constitution, and conflicts with the mission set forth in the Board’s master plan that is separately developed and revised every three (3) years. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
P. State Enrollment and Attendance Guidelines Rule 0520-01-02-.17
Final reading of item to address recent legislation and to move requirements for excused absences and for counting students as present out of State Board Attendance Policy 4.100 and into rule, allowing for Policy 4.100 to be repealed. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
Q. Repeal Goals and Objectives Policy 1.001
Final reading of item to repeal the policy due to the existence of the Master Plan. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
R. Academic Program Requirements Rule 0520-01-03-.03
Final reading of an item to reduce the percentage range for which end-of-course (EOCs) count toward course grades and to move components related to credit recovery from policy to rule. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
S. Educator Preparation Providers (EPP) and Specialty Area Programs (SAP) Approvals
First and final reading of item to recommend EPPs and SAPs for approval after comprehensive review. This item includes recommendation for Bryan College, South College, and Tennessee Wesleyan University.
T. Standards Setting for Math and 2nd Grade English Language Arts Assessments
First and final reading of item to set cut scores for Math and 2nd Grade English Language Arts Assessments.
VII. Other Business
VIII: Adjournment