June 22, 2023
1:00 pm
Webex Livestream: https://bit.ly/3MRobPX Webinar number: 2306 047 0600 Webinar password: SBEmeeting (72363384 from phones and video systems) Join by phone 415-655-0001 Access code: 230 604 70600
This special called meeting was called to consider time-sensitive
rule and policy updates necessary to comply with recently-passed
legislation, including Public Chapter 269 and 284 of 2023.
Additionally, the Board will consider final reading of the professional
assessments policy to ensure implementation prior to the August 1,
2023 deadline set forth in law as well as a time-sensitive textbook
waiver request.
I. Letter of Necessity
II. Consent Items
A. Adoption of Agenda
III. Action Items (First Reading – Roll Call Vote on All)
A. High School Policy 2.103
Frist reading of item to revise High School Policy 2.103
to align with Public Chapter 269 of the 2023 legislative
session. This item proposes a list of high school courses
for which LEAs and public charter schools may create credit
exams and set qualifying scores to award students graduation
credit without the student being enrolled in the course.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading – Roll Call Vote on All)
A. Professional Assessment for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105
Final reading of item to revise the Professional Assessments Policy 5.105 to specify the foundational literacy skills assessment and passing score pursuant to the Literacy Success Act. This item also proposes changes to the required assessments and qualifying scores for the Health and Wellness K-12 endorsement and Physical Education K-12 endorsement. This item also introduces eight new ETS assessments with qualifying cut scores that are replacing assessments being retired by ETS.
B. Educator Licensure - Permits Emergency Rule 0520-02-03-.12
First and final reading of emergency rule revisions to effectuate Public Chapter 284 of the 2023 legislation session. This item creates a new Clinical Practice Permit type to allow an individual who has completed all required coursework at their Educator Preparation Program (EPP) except for the clinical practice requirement to receive a temporary teaching permit to satisfy the clinical practice requirement.
C. Textbook/Instructional Materials Waiver Request: Sevier County Schools (Math Adoption - Calculus)
First and final reading of LEA requests for Textbook and Instructional Materials Waivers.
V. Adjournment
This meeting will be conducted electronically and will include board members participating by electronic means of communication. Information regarding public participation in the meeting can be obtained in the Board Meetings policy here.