April 9, 2020
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Conference Line: 605-472-5592 Access Code: 290578
Due to the high number of conference calls occurring nationwide, some users may experience challenges accessing the conference call platform. The meeting will be recorded and posted on this page within 24 hours of the meeting’s conclusion. The State Board will also announce the results of each vote on its Twitter account, @SBED_TN, during the meeting.
I. Statement of Necessity
II. Consent Items
A. Adoption of Agenda
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. COVID-19 Emergency Rules
First and final reading of emergency and permanent rules needed in light of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Tennessee K-12 public schools. Rules included in this item are:
0520-01-02-.17 Administrative Rules and Regulations, State Attendance Guidelines;
0520-01-03-.11 Minimum Rules and Requirements for the Approval of Public Schools, Requirements for 2019-20 School Year as a Result of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency;
0520-01-09-.24 Special Education Programs and Services, Requirements for 2019-20 School Year as a Result of the COVID- 19 Public Health Emergency;
0520-01-11-.07 Individualized Education Accounts, Monitoring And Compliance;
0520-02-01-.01 Evaluations, General Requirements For Evaluation;
0520-02-03-.09 and -.15 Educator Licensure: Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension and Revocation; and Requirements for 2019-20 School Year as a Result of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency;
0520-02-04-.11 Educator Preparation, Requirements for 2019-20 School Year As A Result Of The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency; and
0520-07-02-.09 Non-Public School Approval Process, Requirements for 2019-20 School Year as a Result of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
B. English as a Second Language Program Policy 3.207
First and final reading of item to update policy requirements in light of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Tennessee K-12 public schools.
C. Uniform Grading Policy 3.301
First and final reading of item to update policy requirements in light of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Tennessee K-12 public schools.
D. Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) Policy 4603
First and final reading of item to update an LEA policy for State Board-authorized charter schools in light of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Tennessee K-12 public schools.
E. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03
Final reading of item to allow additional flexibility for educators and school leaders coming into Tennessee with licenses from other states.
IV. Adjournment