Best Management Practices

Urban Stormwater Management

Region 4 Urban Best Management Practices Literature Review

In support of the Tennessee Nutrient Task Force BMP working group, EPA HQ and Region 4 provided contract work to compile a comprehensive inventory of scientific literature for urban stormwater BMPs from the Southeast Region of the United States. This literature review includes summaries of loading and removal efficiencies for nutrients, sediment, and other common pollutants, and a summary of the crediting practices and protocols, if any, used in the study area. The time span covered in this literature review follows the EPA work on Urban BMPs published in the early 2000s.

USDA's - Urban Forest Systems and Green Stormwater Infrastructure
This document focuses on the effects of trees on urban stormwater runoff, provides some helpful urban forest management strategies to maximize stormwater benefits, and demonstrates several examples around the United States where the stormwater benefits of urban trees are credited for reducing stormwater volume and pollutant loading. This document serves as a resource manual for natural resource professionals to help them communicate with stormwater managers and engineering professionals about the science and benefits of urban trees in stormwater management. 

Short-term Response to Flooding: A Guide for Communities and Local Governments (FAQs)

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) created a short-term guide for officials and community members aimed at providing information in the hours, days, and weeks following a flood event.

Please use this as a reference for basic answers to questions that may arise regarding TDEC’s responsibilities immediately after a flood.

This guide is not intended to inform or influence planning activities, floodplain management, or major projects that require engineering studies and permits, nor is it intended to be a comprehensive guide to community response to flooding. Communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) should always consult the community’s local floodplain ordinance or resolution and the most recent National Flood Insurance Program Flood Damage Assessment Package to ensure that actions taken immediately after a flood are not in violation of NFIP conditions.

Tennessee Smart Yards is a University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension-led program that guides Tennesseans on practices they can apply in their outdoor spaces to create healthier, more ecologically-sound landscapes and communities. Nine principles of stewardship serve as the foundation for the program and are explored in online modules and practical workshops taught by UT-TSU Extension and water resource professionals.

Any Tennessean can participate in the program online, adopt recommended practices, and certify their yard as a Tennessee Smart Yard to help protect our water yard at a time!


Wastewater Management

Intro and additional links to come!

Industrial Management

Agricultural Management

Info to come!

This Page Last Updated: December 2, 2024 at 12:40 PM