Provider Monitoring & Evaluation
Provider Monitoring & Evaluation
The Provider Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) Team is a division within the Office of Continuous Quality Improvement that monitors and evaluates private providers contracted with DCS to deliver custodial and non-custodial programs and services to Tennessee children and families. All contracted private providers must comply with DCS policies and procedures as well as specific terms outlined in their respective contracts. PME is there to ensure providers are compliant and accountable.
Our Mission
The mission of PME is to provide comprehensive monitoring and evaluation services to ensure private providers deliver services to the highest quality and standards while promoting efficient and effective management of state resources.
Our Vision
The vision of PME is to be Tennessee’s premier example of state government monitoring and evaluation services that make a difference in the lives of the children and families DCS serves.
What is Monitoring?
Contract private provider monitoring and evaluation is a regular review process used to determine a provider’s;
- compliance with terms of the contractual agreement and other requirements for administering their responsible program(s);
- adherence to applicable state and federal laws and regulations; and
- progress toward measured stated results and outcomes.
Provider monitoring results identify areas of non-compliance with the expectation that the provider will take corrective action to bring their agency into compliance.
The PME review schedule operates around 4 types of private provider contract service categories, each with a unique review process and reporting product: Performance Based Contracts (PBC), Non-Custodial Contracts (007), Family Preservation Contracts (FPC), and Unannounced Visits (UV).
Meet the Team
PME operates statewide and organizes into three grand-regional areas (West, Middle, and East) with the Director and Program Coordinator housed in Nashville. Each grand region is assigned 2-3 dedicated Program Monitors who organize and lead monitoring and evaluation activities.
Brenda Myers
West Grand Region | Middle Grand Region | East Grand Region |
Jamillah Norrells Program Monitor |
Maria Lubrano Program Coordinator |
Elisabeth Ramsey Program Monitor |
Soneya Verser-Merrell Program Monitor |
Lara Thompson Program Monitor |
Ashley Long Program Monitor |
Jared Homes Program Monitor |