Program Evaluation Division

Child and Family Service Plan (CFSP)

Tennessee’s CFSP sets forth the vision and the goals to be accomplished to strengthen the overall child welfare system over the next five years. A primary purpose of the CFSP is to integrate  the programs that serve children and families, including title IV-B, subparts 1 and 2 of the Act, and the Chafee and ETV programs for older youth and/or young adults formerly in foster care, into a continuum of services for children and their families  to help comprehensively integrate the full array of child welfare services, from prevention and protection through permanency (45 CFR 1357.15(a)). By integrating into one five-year plan all of the separate plan requirements for the title IV-B programs, and the Chafee/ ETV programs, provides the opportunity to view Tennessee’s child welfare system and federal funding sources holistically to effectively and collaboratively develop strategies to strengthen the overall child welfare system. 

Additional processes that support achievement of the goals and strategies set in the CFSP is the Child and Family Service Reviews, the Program Improvement Plan, and the Annual Progress and Services Reports found below.