Tumbleweed WMA
Directions and Description
Directions: From Hwy 78 south of Ridgely, go west on Hwy 79 to the intersection with 181, which goes straight. Turn right on Hwy 79 West and go approximately 150m to a left turn over a levee. Follow the paved road over the levee and go 2.4 miles to the eastern corner of the WMA at a small parking lot and a small number of large trees. The road is poorly maintained and ends within walking distance of the Mississippi River. Lat-Long: 36.22195, -89.58578, on Hwy 79 where the WMA begins (west side of the Great River Rd)
A part of Tumbleweed WMA is accessible from the Great River Rd (Hwy 181) at Parker Road. Parker Road has WMA on both sides of the road. From the intersection of Parker Rd and Owl Hoot Rd (lat-long below), travel south on Owl Hoot Rd to get to the south side of the WMA. Lat-Long: 36.198573,-89.534926, the intersection of Parker Rd and Owl Hoot Rd
The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, dependent on hunting seasons. License fees may apply.
TWRA Contact Information: Region 1 Office 1-731-423-5725, Toll-Free 1-800-372-3928, e-mail the office, TWRA Area Manager: Josh Emerson 1-731-285-6124
Description: The area contains 1,872 acres of early successional forests planted by TWRA. TWRA obtained a couple thousand more acres on the east side of the Great River Rd accessed via Parker Rd and Owl Hoot Road. The new areas are recently reforested, currently grassland/shrubland, while some areas are still farmed. Some areas hold water after heavy rains and floods and maybe decent shorebird habitat. The eastern edge of the western unit of the WMA on Hwy 79, west of the Great River Rd. There are hundreds of acres of young forest and open fields in this area.
This Lake County Tennessee, area is filled with birds, particularly during the spring migration period. Due to the presence of grassland habitats on the sandy soils of some of the areas grassland species such as the Grasshopper Sparrow may be encountered. Numerous Warbling Vireos and Orioles have been noted in the spring. Northern Harriers frequent the fields around Tumbleweed WMA in winter. Red-tailed Hawks are seen frequently in the area. Large numbers of Great Egrets and other wading birds may be present. Cattle Egret is occasional. Short-eared Owls should be present in winter. Fallow field and bare ground along Parker Road.
Regulations & Dates
Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, and turkey hunters) may not enter WMA prior to two (2) hours before sunrise and be off WMA by one (1) hour after sunset or legal hunting/shooting time.
CWD Carcass Transportation Regulations Apply
Big Game, Small Game, and Trapping are the same as statewide seasons except as noted below.
Closed to Fall Turkey hunting.
Dove - Same as statewide season. Hunting is permitted from designated fields only.
Quail - Nov. Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025.
Turkey - Two (2) weekly hunts (Tue–Wed and Fri–Sun) each week of spring turkey season. All hunts will be quota hunts and will be drawn prior to turkey season. One (1) male bearded turkey per hunt, counts toward statewide bag limit.
Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Waterfowl - Hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.