Fourth Fractional Township WMA
Directions and Description
Site Direction: The WMA is on HWY 64 in Polk County Tennessee. From Ducktown Tennessee, turn south onto Ocoee Street, and turn west onto Cougar Drive. GPS: 35.02300, -84.39163
The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, with access dependent on hunting seasons. License fees may apply.
TWRA Contact Information: Region 3 office: 1-931-484-9571, Toll Free: 1-833-402-4698, E-mail the office
Description: The Fourth Fractional Township Wildlife Management Area is located in Polk County, Tennessee near Ducktown and Copperhill. The area is part of the Copper Basin located in the Unaka mountains of eastern Tennessee. The area is young forestland with some openings typical in the area. The area is part of the reforestation and reclamation common following past mining operations.
Regulations & Dates
The use of motorized vehicles is prohibited.
Big Game, Small Game, and Trapping - same as statewide seasons except as noted.
Archery equipment is only for Big Game. Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons.
Beagles and pointing breeds only. Dogs not permitted during spring squirrel season.
Small Game hunting with shotguns only, using No. 6 shot or smaller.
Quail - Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025.
Dog Training - Beagles and pointing breeds only. No dog training is allowed during the spring turkey season.