July 23, 2021
9:00 am
WebEx: URL: https://bit.ly/3wvbQ8J Password: 5corevalues Event Number: 172 087 0590 Phone Number: 415-655-0001 Access Code: 172 087 0590 In-Person: Tennessee School Boards Association 525 Brick Church Park Drive Nashville, TN 37207
This meeting will be conducted permitting participation of some
members by electronic means.
This meeting will be open to the public; however, seating will be
socially distanced and extremely limited. The public is strongly
encouraged to view the meeting via the WebEx livestreaming link.
Comments and questions about meeting items can be directed to
board members and/or staff prior to the meeting.
Welcome & Introductions
I. Consent Items
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Minutes from May 21, 2021 Meeting and July 1, 2021
C. 2022 State Board of Education (SBE) Meeting Dates
Upcoming State Board of Education meeting dates for 2022.
D. School Board Member Training Advisory Committee Members
Approval of members for the School Board Training Advisory Committee.
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Repeal Charter School Performance Framework
First reading of item to repeal the Charter School Performance Framework because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission.
B. Repeal Charter Amendment and Appeals Rule 0520-14-01-.06
First reading of item to repeal Rule 0520-14-01-.06 because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission.
C. Charter School Governing Body Training Approval Rule 0520-14-01-.07
First reading of item to revise certain requirements for charter school governing body training programs.
D. School Board Training Rule 0520-01-02-.11
First reading of item to revise certain requirements for local school board members’ training programs.
E. Career & Technical Education (CTE) Couse Standards
First reading of item to revise course standards for several CTE career clusters.
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Attachment 51 Attachment 52 Attachment 53 Attachment 54 Attachment 55
Attachment 56 Attachment 57 Attachment 58 Attachment 59 Attachment 60
Attachment 61 Attachment 62 Attachment 63 Attachment 64 Attachment 65
Attachment 66 Attachment 67 Attachment 68
F. Organization and Administration of Schools Rule 0520-01-02-.31
First reading of item to re-establish in rule the requirement for local boards of education to develop and maintain five- year strategic plans.
G. Project SEARCH Course Standards Approval
First reading of item to approve the course standards for Project SEARCH, an internship program for students with disabilities.
H. Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program Rule 0520-01-11
First reading of item to modernize and clarify rule language to ensure implementation of the Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program and to provide clarification on statutory requirements.
I. English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs & Rule 0520-01-19 – Identification, Screening, and Service Delivery First reading of item to update a change in WIDA’s kindergarten screening instrument. At the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, Tennessee LEAs will switch from using the current screener (W-APT) and start using the new screener (WIDA Screener for Kindergarten).
J. School Health Policies Permanent Rule 0520-01-13-.01
First reading of item to define requirements for temporary remote instruction for students who are quarantined due to a positive COVID-19 test or COVID-19 exposure in the 2021-22 school year.
K. Virtual Education Permanent Rule0520-01-03-.05
First reading of item to revise the Virtual Education rule to define the purpose of virtual education programs offered by an LEA or public charter school. The rule ensures that schools have clear guidance on the difference between a virtual program and a virtual school.
L. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03
First reading item to enact the licensure flexibilities created by Public Chapter 125 and 493. Revisions will describe how educators may use a professional license in another state to acquire a professional license in Tennessee without being required to pass assessments. This item also brings on first reading again revisions to allow educators to use specific nationally recognized credentials to reactivate a Tennessee School Services Personnel license and presents revisions to create a licensure pathway for speech-language pathologist assistants (SLPAs).
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
Final reading of item to propose a new option for educators to add an additional endorsement. The item would allow Tennessee educators with a license to earn an additional by completing an additional endorsement program developed and administered by the TDOE, receiving recommendation for endorsement by the TDOE, and submitting qualifying scores on all required content assessments. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
B. Literacy and Specialty Area Standards for Educator Preparation Policy 5.505
Final reading of item to add Foundational Literacy Skills to the Literacy and Special Area Standards Policy pursuant to
the Literacy Success Act (Public Chapter 2 of the 2021 Special Legislative Session). This item also revises the Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) endorsement standards. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
C. High School Policy 2.103
Final reading of item to clarify requirements for the four-year plan of study for high school students, update the Work Based Learning Framework, and change terminology to reflect changes to industry credential classifications. There
have been changes to this item since first reading.
D. Middle Grades Policy 2.102
Final reading of item to clarify requirements for the four-year plan of study in the Middle Grades Policy to align with the revisions to the High School Policy 2.103. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
E. Statewide Dual Credit Course Approval
Final reading of item to revise learning objectives for three statewide dual credit courses (SDC) including Introduction to Business, Precalculus, and Introduction to Plant Science. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
F. Approved High School Courses Policy 3.205
First and final reading of item to add approved statewide dual credit courses to the approved high school course policy.
G. Universal State Screeners and State Adopted Benchmark Assessments Permanent Rule 0520-01-03-.15
Final reading of item to promulgate rules that describe the use of screeners pursuant to Tennessee Learning Loss and Student Acceleration Act and the Tennessee Literacy Success Act, including the nationally normed process by which
“significant reading deficiency” will be defined each year. Also describes the use of state adopted benchmark
assessments that constitute the Innovative benchmark Assessment Pilot Program and the process by which LEAs may
request approval to use a locally adopted screener in place of a Tennessee universal screener. There have been
changes to this item since first reading.
H. Continuous Learning Plan Policy 3.210
Final reading of item to revise the Continuous Learning Plan (CLP) policy to align with the permanent CLP rule passed on final reading at the April 12, 2021 Special Called Board Meeting. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
I. Textbook and Instructional Materials Waivers Rule 0520-01-18
Final reading of item to revise this rule in alignment with recently passed legislative changes. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
J. Educator Licensure Discipline Rules 0520-02-03-.09 Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation and 0520-02-03-.12 Permits
Final reading of item to make changes in alignment with recent statutory changes regarding permits. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
K. Repeal Charter School Appeals Policy 2.500
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
L. Repeal Charter School Authorizing Mission Policy 6.100
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
M. Repeal Core Authorizing Principles Policy 6.200
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
N. Repeal Application Review Policy 6.300
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
O. Repeal Charter Agreements Policy 6.400
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
P. Repeal Oversight and Evaluation Policy 6.500
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
Q. Repeal Charter School Autonomy Policy 6.600
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
R. Repeal Charter School Intervention Policy 6.700
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
S. Repeal Charter School Renewal and Renewal Appeals Policy 6.800
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
T. Repeal LEA as Sponsor Policy 6.900
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
U. Repeal Charter School Revocation and Revocation Appeals Policy 6.110
Final reading of item to repeal policy because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
V. Charter School Governing Body Training Policy 6.112
Final reading of item to amend this policy to include annual additions to the list of approved training options. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
W. Repeal All Charter School LEA Policies
Final reading of item to repeal policies because these duties are being transferred to the Charter School Commission. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
Policy 1100 Policy 1106 Policy 1200 Policy 1407 Policy 1408 Policy 1800 Policy 1801
Policy 1802 Policy 1803 Policy 1808 Policy 1900 Policy 2100 Policy 2200 Policy 2201
Policy 2400 Policy 2401 Policy 2402 Policy 2403 Policy 2404 Policy 2500 Policy 2600
Policy 2700 Policy 2701 Policy 2702 Policy 2703 Policy 2800 Policy 2801 Policy 2802
Policy 2804 Policy 2805 Policy 2900 Policy 3201 Policy 3202 Policy 3208 Policy 3212
Policy 3218 Policy 3400 Policy 3600 Policy 4206 Policy 4207 Policy 4209 Policy 4210
Policy 4211 Policy 4300 Policy 4400 Policy 4406 Policy 4502 Policy 4603 Policy 4605
Policy 4701 Policy 4802 Policy 4804 Policy 5104 Policy 5106 Policy 5114 Policy 5118
Policy 5400 Policy 5610 Policy 5701 Policy 5911 Policy 6200 Policy 6203 Policy 6206
Policy 6209 Policy 6300 Policy 6303 Policy 6304 Policy 6304.01 Policy 6307 Policy 6309
Policy 6313 Policy 6316 Policy 6317 Policy 6400 Policy 6403 Policy 6404 Policy 6409
Policy 6413 Policy 6500 Policy 6503 Policy 6504 Policy 6505 Policy 6600 Policy 6910
Policy 6920 Policy 6921
X. 2021-22 State Board of Education Master Plan
First and final reading of the 2021-22 State Board of Education Master Plan.
Y. Professional Assessments Policy 5.105
First and final reading of item to add new codes and cut scores for Reading Specialist and Middle Grades Science assessments.
Z. Basic Education Policy (BEP) Allocations for 2021-22
First and final reading of BEP allocations for the 2021-22 school year.
AA. Educator Preparation Providers (EPP) and Specialty Area Program (SAP) Approvals
First and final reading to recommend three new EPPs for approval after comprehensive review.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4
BB. Assessment Standard Setting for Social Studies and Science
First and final reading of item to set cut scores for general science and social studies assessments.
CC. Educator Evaluation Policy 5.201
First and final reading of item to update several provisions of the Educator Evaluation Policy.
DD. Universal Screener Policy 3.302
First and final reading of item to create a new policy where approved universal reading screeners will be listed. The list of screeners was generated by screeners that have been vetted and approved in LEA’s Foundational Literacy Skills Plans.
EE. Annual Performance Goals for 2021-22
First and final reading of item to establish Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) for the 2021-22 School Year.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
A. Rebecca Bellar – Suspension, 2 (two) Years
B. Kevin Dever – Suspension, 3 (three) Months Retroactive
C. Joseph Francis - Denial
D. Travis Holland – Suspension 18 (eighteen) Months
E. Stephanie Ridley – Suspension, 2 (two) Years
F. John Scruggs – Revocation, Automatic Permanent
G. Kelvin Vanderbilt – Revocation, Automatic
H. Bethany White – Revocation, Permanent
I. Ashley Wright - Revocation
V. Adjournment