Link Farm State Archaeological Area
The Link Farm site represents a Mississippian period mound complex established at the confluence of the Duck and Buffalo Rivers in Humphreys County perhaps as early as AD 1100. This mound complex consists of at least two large platform mounds, three conical mounds, and one loaf-shaped mound that encloses a central plaza measuring about 250 meters north-south and 150 meters east-west. Several small irregular-shape mounds surround this central complex.
The famous Duck River Cache was initially discovered in December 1894 along a ridge south of the mound complex. In March 1895, two stone statues (named Adam and Eve by the finders) were discovered several feet beneath the Duck River Cache deposit.
The Link Farm site is currently under management of Johnsonville State Park.

Edwin Curtiss 1878 sketch map of Link Farm, courtesy Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard.