TWRA Detects CWD in Carroll County
NASHVILLE --- The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) has received a positive chronic wasting disease (CWD) test result in a hunter-harvested deer in Carroll County, the first positive CWD case for Carroll County. Since Carroll County is within the current CWD Management Zone, wildlife feeding and carcass transportation restrictions are already in place.
There are no changes to the deer hunting season dates and regulations. However, hunters are now eligible for the Earn-a-Buck Program. Hunters can earn additional bucks by harvesting antlerless deer in Carroll County and submitting them for testing. Hunters who have already submitted antlerless deer for testing this fall will be provided an earned buck. For more details on the CWD Management Zone and Incentive Programs, visit
As a reminder, Carroll County is subject to the following wildlife feeding and carcass transportation restrictions:
- Deer carcasses can move within and between counties in the CWD Management Zone.
- Hunters may not move whole or field-dressed deer carcasses or unapproved parts outside of CWD-affected counties. Only approved parts may be moved out of CWD-affected counties.
- Once a carcass is brought into the CWD Management Zone, it cannot be moved out of the zone.
- Approved parts are free to be transported anywhere statewide. Approved parts are listed below:
- Deboned meat
- Antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates, cleaned skulls (where no meat or tissues are attached to the skull)
- Cleaned teeth
- Finished taxidermy and antler products
- Hides and tanned products
- Within the CWD Management Zone, the placement of grain, salt products, minerals, and other consumable natural and manufactured products is prohibited.
- Feeding restrictions do not apply if the feed or minerals are:
- Placed within one hundred (100) feet of any residence or occupied building; or
- Placed in such a manner to reasonably exclude access by deer or
- Placed as part of a wild hog management effort authorized by the agency or
- Present from normal agricultural practices, normal forest management practices, or crop and wildlife food production practices.
Hunter's participation in CWD testing is critical for the continued surveillance and monitoring of CWD throughout the state. Hunters can access CWD testing through participating taxidermists and meat processors or by using drop-off freezers.
Carroll County drop-off freezers are available at:
- Carroll County Sherriff's Office, 200 Norandal Dr, Huntington, TN 38344
- Carroll Lake, Carroll Lake Lane, McKenzie, TN 38201
CWD is a progressive, fatal disease of the nervous system of cervids, including white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, and moose. The agency partners with certified laboratories to test samples, and TWRA has already submitted approximately 9,000 samples for testing.
For more information on CWD, including additional freezer locations and current regulations, visit here.