Commission Members

The Tennessee Public Charter School Commission is composed of 9 members—three from each of Tennessee’s Grand Divisions. Additionally, a majority of Charter Commission members must reside within the geographic boundary of an LEA with at least one charter school in operation. Tess Stovall serves as Executive Director of the Charter Commission. All members are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the General Assembly. The terms of the initial nine-member appointments include three years for three members, four years for three members, and five years for three members. As the terms for the initial members expire, successors shall be appointed for five-year terms.

Mr. Terence Patterson

West Grand Division Five Year Term

Chair Chris Richards

West Grand Division Five Year Term

Vice-Chair Chris Tutor

West Grand Division Five Year Term

Mr. Tom Griscom

East Grand Division Five Year Term

Mr. Alan Levine

East Grand Division Five Year Term

Mr. Eddie Smith

East Grand Division Five Year Term

Mr. Thomas Lehrman

Middle Grand Division Five Year Term

Ms. Lauren Smith

Middle Grand Division Five Year Term

Mr. Michael A. Carter Sr.

Middle Grand Division Five Year Term