
The Commission forms committees to meet in small groups and examine topics more in-depth before consideration before the full Commission. These committees may be ongoing, meeting multiple times a year, or may meet on a temporary basis as needed. 

The Rules, Policy, and Governance Committee reviews and recommends changes on all of the Commission's rules, policies, and LEA policies; conducts annual board evaluation of the Commission members; evaluates the committee structure and responsibilities; nominates the chair and vice chair of the Commission; and leads the annual review of the executive director. 

Chair: Chris Tutor
Members: Lauren Smith, Alan Levine

The Business and Operations Committee provides oversight of the financial and operational functions of the Commission including the approval of budgets and the recommendations for adoption to the full Commission, receiving regular financial updates from staff, reviewing hiring and staffing updates, overseeing procurement, and setting Commission regular meetings. 

Chair: Michael Carter
Members: Eddie Smith, Thomas Lehrman

The School Performance and Accountability Committee conducts the annual review of charter schools authorized by the Commission, reviews any proposed amendments to charter agreements, manages any corrective action necessary for the authorized charter schools, receives regular updates on the enrollment and operations of authorized charter schools, and reviews the LEA plan and any related district planning needs. 

Chair: Terence Patterson
Members: Chris Richards, Tom Griscom

The Governance Committee focuses on best practices in governance, conducting board self-assessments against these best practices, and regular reviews of the Commission’s board-specific policies, roles, and responsibilities.

The Rules and Policy Committee focuses on establishing all rules and policies related to the Charter Commission’s responsibilities as an appellate authorizer of charter schools and as an LEA.