Yellow DOT Program
How it works
Motorists who are interested in the Yellow Dot program should first find their local enrollment site here. Enrollment sites can provide the Yellow Dot packet, assist with filling out the medical information sheet, and take a photo of the participant.
Participants in the program will receive a Yellow DOT decal, a Yellow DOT folder, and a medical information sheet.
The participant will complete the medical information sheet, which consists of their emergency contact information, medical information, recent surgeries, hospital preferences, current medications, insurance and physician information. A personalized photo should also be taken and placed on the sheet. This information will be the sole responsibility of the participant and should remain in the glove compartment inside the yellow folder provided.

The Yellow DOT decal should be placed on the driver’s side rear window of the vehicle.
The information in the Yellow DOT folder is not kept by any agency or person and will only be accessed by first responders in case of a roadway incident where emergency medical attention is needed.
** It is important to note that while the initial focus of the Yellow Dot program was senior drivers, any driver or passenger who is medically affected can take advantage of this program. Any person who has a medical condition, allergy, or who takes daily prescriptions would benefit from this program. This information can be critical for first responders to know in order to make the best possible decision during a medical emergency.

Helpful Links
Yellow DOT Information Request Form
*NOTE: beginning August 1st, 2024 all packet requests will need to be fulfilled at a local enrollment site
Link to Tennessee Yellow DOT Public Law (HB 2296)
Yellow Dot Medical Form
Enrollment Sites Map
Yellow Dot Poster
Yellow Dot Brochure
THSO Older Driver Safety Resources
**Enrollment Site Partners:
Please be aware that we are currently experiencing a shortage of YellowDOT packets, we will fill orders as soon as our stock is resupplied (estimated resupply around early August).
Groups or agencies may become a Yellow Dot Program Enrollment Site by submitting the request via email to Chris Morton at or by utilizing this form. Sites must be accessible to the public and be able to take a photo of the applicant for placement on the medical information sheet. TDOT will provide the packets free to the enrollment site. No fees may be charged for participation in the program. Typical enrollment sites are senior centers, local fire stations, local emergency management agencies, county sheriff offices, churches, libraries, etc. Packets for distribution may be picked up from any TDOT Regional or District Office or by contacting the TDOT Freeway Operations Section by email at
TDOT greatly appreciates our enrollment site partners and their commitment to the motorists and first responders of the state of Tennessee. In order to better audit our program, we ask that our enrollment sites utilize the forms below for reporting event turnout and packet distribution. This data allows us a better look at how many packets are being distributed and where.
After Action Survey for Enrollment Sites - Please use this form to report outcomes of events held, i.e. health and safety fairs, enrollment events, etc.
Regional Distribution Form - Please use this form to report regular distribution of packets.
Useful Documents for Print/Distribution
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: Where do I go for a Yellow DOT packet?
There are over 200 locations statewide! Click here to find one near you.
- Q: What is included in a Yellow DOT packet?
Yellow DOT folder, vehicle decal, medical information sheet, and instruction brochure
- Q: Can I get more than one Yellow DOT packet?
Yes, you can get a Yellow DOT packet for every vehicle you drive.
- Q: Can I fill out the medical information form for passengers in my vehicle?
- Yes, you should complete the medical information form for any other driver(s) or passenger(s) of your vehicle, especially if they have a specific medical need (i.e. medical allergy, diabetes, heart problems).
- Q: Where does the Yellow DOT decal go on my vehicle?
- The Yellow DOT decal should be placed on the driver’s side rear window of the vehicle. There's also a smaller decal for motorcycles. Place the decal on the "triple tree" of the motorcycle and put the packet in the saddle bag/compartment.
- Q: What happens if I don't have my photo on the medical form?
- The photo is crucial to the success of the program. Yellow DOT is about saving those precious seconds immediately following a serious incident. Having a photo identifying to whom the medical form belongs will save time and possibly your life. Please make sure a photo(s) is included with each medical information form.
- Q: What happens to my personal information?
- Only you have access to the information in your glove compartment. The information is not kept by any agency or another person.
- Q: Is my social security number needed on the medical information form?
- No.
- Q: Do I have to pay to participate in the Yellow DOT program?
- No, the program is free.
- Q: How can I become an enrollment site for the Yellow DOT program?
- Groups or agencies may become a Yellow DOT Program Enrollment Site. Sites must be accessible to the public and be able to take a photo of the applicant for placement on the medical Information sheet. TDOT will provide the packets free to the enrollment sites. No fees may be charged for participation in the program. Typical enrollment sites are Senior Centers, local fire stations, local emergency management agencies, county sheriff offices, churches, libraries, etc. Packets for distribution may be picked up from any TDOT Regional or District Office or by contacting the TDOT Transportation Management Office by email at