TSMO Dashboards & Data Sources
Note: some sites may require user permissions to access
Dashboards 1
HAAS Alert Safety Cloud Dashboard provides departments that operate a fleet of vehicles with a secure website to view the status of emergency vehicles to include when the emergency lights are active.
Rural Service Patrol map with cost estimates.
TDOT Fleet Management Tool
Dashboards 2
Crash Dashboard landing page developed by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security.
Pilot Implementation and Evaluation of the Predictive Analytics Workflow for Incident Management.
This dashboard provides Traffic Incident Management Analytics and Performance Measures that are tracked by the state to meet the Open Roads Policy.
Dashboards 3
This site provides a place for you to access the most up-to-date training materials and record information about each training session you conduct.
FHWA TIM training statistics visualized at the state-level.
Data Sources 1
Software as a Service (SaaS) platform to host, analyze, and visualize processed and verified crash dataset.
"Enhanced Tennessee Roadway Information Management System."
Roadway information database managed by TDOT Road Inventory Office.
The ETC offers members virtual workshops, peer-to-peer exchanges, working groups, training, research and demonstration projects to increase transportation safety and efficiency.
Data Sources 2
Regional Integrated Transportation Information System
SmartWay provides up-to-date traffic information on our highway system. This system includes TN511, our HELP program and our Intelligent Transportation System. They help keep Tennessee traffic moving so motorists are safe and efficient in their travels.
"Tennessee's Integrated Traffic Analysis Network" is a tool developed for the electronic collection, submission, and management of all traffic safety-related data in Tennessee.