HELP Program
Transportation Management Center
6603 Centennial Boulevard Building R
Nashville, TN 37243

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) operates HELP trucks on Tennessee's most heavily traveled highways in Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis and Nashville. The program began in 1999 for the purpose of reducing traffic congestion, improving safety, and assisting motorists in distress. HELP’s mission statement was developed by the first class of HELP trainees.
The mission of HELP is to minimize traffic congestion, promote the safe movement of people and products, and improve the travel environment. We work in partnership with emergency response agencies and other TDOT units as part of a highway incident management team. We are committed to performing all our duties in a professional manner.
Thanks to the dedication and professionalism of the HELP teams, TDOT believes that the mission is being accomplished. TDOT is very proud of each and every HELP team member and of all the men and women in our region, district and county offices who work hard to make all our highways safer and less congested.