County Outline Map
Tennessee's 95 counties are divided into four TDOT regions. Regional offices are located in Jackson (Region 4), Nashville (Region 3), Chattanooga (Region 2), and Knoxville (Region 1). The map shows the counties within each region, represented by a number. See the table below the map for the numbered list of counties. For more information on each TDOT region, see the Local Information page of the TDOT website.

Alphabetical List of Counties in Tennessee
01 Anderson | 20 Decatur | 39 Henderson | 58 Marion | 77 Sequatchie |
02 Bedford | 21 Dekalb | 40 Henry | 59 Marshall | 78 Sevier |
03 Benton | 22 Dickson | 41 Hickman | 60 Maury | 79 Shelby |
04 Bledsoe | 23 Dyer | 42 Houston | 61 Meigs | 80 Smith |
05 Blount | 24 Fayette | 43 Humphreys | 62 Monroe | 81 Stewart |
06 Bradley | 25 Fentress | 44 Jackson | 63 Montgomery | 82 Sullivan |
07 Campbell | 26 Franklin | 45 Jefferson | 64 Moore | 83 Sumner |
08 Cannon | 27 Gibson | 46 Johnson | 65 Morgan | 84 Tipton |
09 Carroll | 28 Giles | 47 Knox | 66 Obion | 85 Trousdale |
10 Carter | 29 Grainger | 48 Lake | 67 Overton | 86 Unicoi |
11 Cheatham | 30 Greene | 49 Lauderdale | 68 Perry | 87 Union |
12 Chester | 31 Grundy | 50 Lawrence | 69 Pickett | 88 Van Buren |
13 Claiborne | 32 Hamblen | 51 Lewis | 70 Polk | 89 Warren |
14 Clay | 33 Hamilton | 52 Lincoln | 71 Putnam | 90 Washington |
15 Cocke | 34 Hancock | 53 Loudon | 72 Rhea | 91 Wayne |
16 Coffee | 35 Hardeman | 54 McMinn | 73 Roane | 92 Weakley |
17 Crockett | 36 Hardin | 55 McNairy | 74 Robertson | 93 White |
18 Cumberland | 37 Hawkins | 56 Macon | 75 Rutherford | 94 Williamson |
19 Davidson | 38 Haywood | 57 Madison | 76 Scott | 95 Wilson |