Funded Tennessee CMP Reinvestment Projects
Grantee Name: TN Edenizing Foundation d/b/a Tennessee Eden Alternative Coalition
Total Awarded Funding: $392,543.00
Project Goal: The goal is to support the continued reduction of antipsychotic use in Tennessee nursing homes to lower than the national average of 18.7% (2015Q1) and to help sustain that reduction.
Grantee Name: Florida Atlantic University
Funding Amount: $103,400.80
Project Overview : Implement The Decision Guide: Go to the Hospital or Stay Here? in Regional IV nursing facilities in order to assist nursing home residents and families make optimal decisions concerning hospitalization or treatment in the NH. For more information, please visit their website:
Grantee Name: Tennessee Technological University
Funded Amount: $165,950.97
Project Goal: To implement the Music and Memory program in six nursing homes in the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee.
Grantee Name: Mountain City Care and Rehabilitation
Funding Amount: $31,000.00
Project Goal: The goal of this project is to offer Eden education to the remaining 90% of the nursing facility's Stakeholders that have not been trained in order to advance their "Holistic Caregiver" model.
Grantee Name: Saint Thomas Healthcare Foundation
Funding Amount: $101,212.00
Project Goal: To collaborate with four NHC Skilled Nursing Facilities to create a specific process to ensure that palliative care resident treatment directives are documented and implemented and to develop metrics that reveal a quality risk when there is a variance between residents' directives and patient care outcomes.
Grantee Name: Tennessee Health Management, Inc. – Memphis
Funding Amount: $493,550.87
Project Goal: The goal of the ARTS program is to improve the quality of life of the residents by improving or maintaining ADL function and enriching activities and social connections for 770 nursing home residents in ten locations throughout West Tennessee including the counties of Henry, Carroll, Weakley, Obion, Gibson, Dyer, Tipton, and Shelby.
Grantee Name: Tennessee Health Management, Inc. - Jackson
Funding Amount: $471,215.29
Project Goal: The goal of the ARTS program is to improve the quality of life of the residents by improving or maintaining ADL function and enriching activities and social connections for 876 residents.
Parade of Programs Presentation - 7/2/2019 (Memphis and Jackson regions)
Grantee Name: Uplands Village
Funding Amount: $29,020.00
Project Goal: The goal of the project is to provide Certified Eden Associate Training to new staff, families and residents in order to establish and strengthen person-centered care and culture change principles. By March 29, 2019, 75% of direct and ancillary long-term care staff will be trained as Certified Eden Associates.
Grantee Name: Spring Gate Rehabilitation and Health Care Center
Funding Amount: $89,381.00
Project Goal: The goal of the WashSense project is to reduce Healthcare Associated Infections by installing a system that tracks infection patterns by providing analytical analysis and hot spotting. The monitors also provide guidance and demonstration for handwashing in resident rooms and other locations throughout the facility.
Grantee Name: Signature Healthcare of Putnam County
Funding Amount: $10,645.00
Project Goal: Increase Elder socialization, volunteer support, conduct Eden Alternative Warmth Surveys, and collaborate with local music instructors to create additional opportunities for inter-generational programming with the Elders.
Grantee Name: Ave Maria Home
Funding Amount: $60,356
Project Goal: Purchase four Mobil Flex Lite Engage systems to provide activities and rehabilitation for nursing home elders and train Ave Maria staff on using these systems with the elders.
Grantee Name: Maury Regional Medical Center/Post Acute Care Network
Funding Amount: $928,878.07
Project Summary: Reduce the incidence and burden of healthcare associated infections through education, management of antibiotic stewardship and deployment of a prototype virtual rapid response team using telemedicine. Thirteen skilled nursing facility members of Maury Regional Medical Center's Post-Acute Care Network will be the focus of interventions to reduce HAIs and ultimately, readmissions to the hospital. A clinical pharmacist will review/monitor antibiotics prescribed for residents on admission and communicate with providers regarding antibiotic management. Through virtual technology, SNFs may alert the rapid response team of patient concerns which will prompt a "virtual" assessment followed by appropriate protocol-driven therapy.
Parade of Programs Presentation - 7/2/2019
Grantee Name: LifeBio
Funding Amount: $103,656.97
Project Goal: The LifeBio project in the State of Tennessee is focused on demonstrating that knowing Elders deeply increases engagement and well-being. Working with our partner American Health Communities, the LifeBio Project will create Life Story Books for each participating resident, based on one-on-one interviews using journals and LifeBio’s online system. In addition, Snapshots, which are one page life story summaries, and Action Plans, customized activity and guides to an individual’s personal comforts, will be created and put into use. Intergenerational volunteers will be assisting with the project during the interview process, when books are presented, and while implementing Action Plans. Family members will also be invited to assist when possible. LifeBio will be providing volunteer training as well as dementia training for each nursing home, to educate staff on how best to address the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) using the power of individual life stories. Project measurements are focused on determining to what level LifeBio is able to improve comprehensive care planning, staffing concerns within long-term care, and the general well-being of residents. LifeBio and American Health Communities are very excited to showcase the lives of everyday extraordinary individuals in a meaningful and engaging way.
Grantee Name: Tennessee Arts Commission
Funding Amount: $1,000,000.00
Project Summary: The goal of the project is to implement an individualized music intervention program that will improve the quality of life and care for 2,205 residents including those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's in 147 nursing homes across Tennessee. The individualized music will be incorporated into each resident's individual care plan notes after their playlist has been created with special attention to clinical measures such as reduced antipsychotic rates, depressive symptoms, and increased quality of life. Key outcomes for nursing home residents include reducing reliance on antipsychotic, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressive medications and reducing physical, verbal, and other adverse behavioral symptoms of participating residents.
Grantee Name: University of Indianapolis
Funding Amount: $ 495,732.64
Project Goal: Through this project, the University of Indianapolis Center for Aging & Community (CAC)is creating regional healthcare quality improvement collaboratives for the five regions in the state of Tennessee. Based on a successful similar project in Indiana, the Tennessee Regional Healthcare Quality Improvement Collaboratives Initiative will facilitate greater learning and implementation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) model in individual long-term care (LTC) facilities throughout the state and ultimately improve quality of care for LTC residents in Tennessee. Collaboratives will recruit regional member LTC facilities, facilitate strong development of individual facility QAPI plans and facilitate two process improvement projects. CAC will complete a multilevel evaluation of the project, employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative measures to track Collaborative development and progress toward goals.
Through this pioneering program in Indiana, CAC was able to achieve significant results for resident health outcomes, building function and staff satisfaction, and cost savings for the state’s long term care network. CAC anticipates similar results could be achieved in Tennessee. A sampling of results (additional outcomes in the proposal) include:
· Reduction of antipsychotic medications by 43%.
· Reduction of rates of falls by 30%.
· Reduction of hospitalizations by 38%.
· Reduction of rates of UTIs by an average of 43% across five Collaborative (24-57% reductions).
· Reduction CNA turnover by 16% (during a time of typically higher turnover).
· Savings of more than $1,438,058 were identified.
Grantee Name: Tennessee Department of Health, Healthcare Acquired Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance Program
Funding Amount: $21,125.00
Project Description: The Tennessee Department of Health, Healthcare Acquired Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (HA/-AR) program has been awarded a Civil Monetary Penalties (CMP) grant. This grant will be used to distribute 500 copies of the National Quality Partners Playbook for Antibiotic Stewardship in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care to long term care facilities across Tennessee. The playbook is a tool to assist long term care facilities in meeting each of CDC’s core elements of antibiotic stewardship as outlined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services conditions of participation. It describes low and high intensity interventions for each of the seven core elements, potential barriers and solutions to implementation, and links to additional resources. The TDH HAI-AR group will be supplying facilities with this valuable resource free of charge. Each recipient facility must complete a survey describing their current stewardship activities. The results of this survey will help us give feedback on opportunities for improvement for antimicrobial stewardship programs statewide. Follow up will occur at 6 months and 12 months from receipt of the playbooks to see how facility programs are progressing.
Grantee Name: Cookeville Regional Medical Center Charitable Foundation
Funded Amount: $138,022.00
Project Description: The Cookeville Regional Charitable Foundation is partnering with the Upper Cumberland Healthcare Preparedness Coalition for a Project aimed at standardizing and organizing regional environmental health knowledge, equipment, processes and measurement tools for nursing facilities in fourteen Upper Cumberland counties. The Project will provide regional nursing facility staff with CleanHealth environmental training (including process standards), Hygiena ATP monitor systems, and environmental health supplies. The Project will in-effect provide a base-line for infection control and environmental health knowledge and the necessary equipment to put that knowledge into practice. The Project will also include mechanisms and tools to measure environmental health improvement at each of the twenty-three participating nursing facilities. This project is expected to improve performance at nursing facilities with outlier measurements concerning infection-control, and lower the rate of HAI’s for the region as a whole.
Grantee Name: Signature Healthcare of Erin
Funding Amount: $45,000
Project Description: Certify Quality of Life Director as an Eden Educator so that they may train 90% of Care Partners and all new hires in Eden Associate training.
Grantee Name: Qsource
Funding Amount: $752,521.18
Project Description: Qsource is partnering with select Tennessee nursing homes in a one-year collaborative to implement individualized pain management strategies and improve opioid safety. Qsource will provide in-person group training, one-on-one customized technical assistance, evidence-based tools and resources, and ongoing data analysis to participating nursing homes throughout the project. Training topics covered include: (1) Differentiating among sources of pain and how they respond to opioids; (2) Understanding the importance of specific indications when treating pain; (3) Applying opioid guidelines to nursing home residents; (4) Increasing accessibility of non-opioid pain treatments in nursing homes; (5) Communicating more effectively with residents and families about pain treatment; (6) Using this project to fulfill federal Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) requirements.
Parade of Programs Presentation - 7/2/2019
Grantee Name: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Programs in Disaster Research and Training
Funding Amount: $957,959.20
Project Description: Vanderbilt University Medical Center has been awarded a 3 year grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services through the CMP Reinvestment Program, Office of Patient Care Advocacy, to develop and deliver emergency preparedness training to the state’s approximately 300+ Long-Term Care and Skilled Nursing facilities. The training will be designed to assist facilities in developing a comprehensive emergency management program to meet and exceed CMS compliance requirements. A technical assistance (TA) program for assisting facilities with their emergency preparedness needs is included. This program and training curricula will encompass an all-hazards approach for designing facility specific emergency plans based on local hazard risk and gap analyses, coordination of community and regional resources, and engagement of community partnerships addressing potential internal and external emergencies. The program will also assist with development of facility emergency communications, as well as developing policies and procedures directed toward implementation of response protocols for addressing a number of potential facility emergencies to include emerging infectious diseases and alternative source power.
Grantee Name: Miami University Scripps Gerontology Center
Funded Amount: $116,396.00
Project Description: Miami University will collaborate with up to 25 Tennessee nursing facilities to implement an evidence-based tool called the Preferences for Activities and Leisure Cards, piloting with up to 20 residents per home, to assist NHs in communicating residents' important preferences for leisure and recreation to care partners, agency staff and volunteers and improve resident satisfaction.
Grantee Name: Walters State Community College
Funded Amount: $350,254.00
Project Description: WSCC, a public two-year comprehensive community college, working in conjunction with ten designated rural health counties proposes to train Certified Nursing Assistants using an evidence-based, online certification training program called "CARES® Online Dementia Training". The purpose of the training is to educate and empower nursing home staff with the techniques, tools and resources they need to help those residents who live with AD or other related dementias. In addition, family members of nursing home residents will receive “The Savvy Caregiver™” educational program which will help family members learn the basics of dementia and how they can effectively respond to changes in their loved ones behavior.
Grantee Name: Western Kentuck University Center for Applied Science in Health
Funded Amount: $1,007,817.00
Project Description: A lack of social engagement and physical activity may contribute to a continued decline in functional mobility, activities of daily living (ADLs), and an increase in fall risk for residents in nursing homes. Therefore, there is a significant need for easy-to-use and enjoyable nursing home activities capable of increasing daily social engagement, improving functional health, and decreasing social isolation. Bingocize®, a strategic combination of exercise and the game of bingo, is an innovative, structured, and evidence-based program shown to increase older adults’ quality of life. The Western Kentucky University Center for Applied Science in Health and Aging (CASHA) team’s primary goal for their project is to train nursing home staff to implement the Bingocize® program in 40 nursing homes across Tennessee. Their secondary goal is to facilitate strong community partnerships between faculty and students at six Tennessee educational institutions and nursing home staff. The 3-year project objectives are:
Objective 1: Two hundred eighty (280) nursing home staff will demonstrate skill and knowledge to lead Bingocize® with nursing home residents over the 3-year grant period;
Objective 2: Twelve (12) faculty and four hundred (400) students from six Tennessee universities will demonstrate skill and knowledge to lead Bingocize® while assisting nursing home staff to implement Bingocize® programs; and
Objective 3: One thousand eight hundred (1,800) residents from forty (40) nursing homes will participate in Bingocize® and falls, ADLs, and social engagement will be evaluated over the 3-year grant period.
Grantee Name: The King's Daughters and Sons Home
Funding Amount: $55,187.00
Project Description: The goal of the project is to purchase three IN2L (Its Never 2 Late) Mobil Flex Engage systems, which will be used to assist in reducing use of antipsychotics and enhance the restorative care program to reduce hospitalizations over the course of three years. The iN2L program is an integrative, person-centered digital technology program with activity, restorative care and therapy programs, with over 4,000 applications designed to engage residents with a wide range of physical and cognitive abilities.
Grantee Name: Ageucate, LLC
Funding Amount: $147,419.00
Project Description: Compassionate Touch® (CT) is an evidence-informed approach combining skilled touch techniques and specialized communication shown to help prevent behavioral expression in people with dementia and reduce job stress in care-partners. The purpose is to equip nursing home staff with practical skilled touch techniques, integrate these techniques into care processes, and track selected quality measures. This project supports the effort to minimize the use of antipsychotic medications for dementia-related behaviors by providing a non-pharmacological tool.
Grantee Name: American Health Communities a.k.a. Tennessee Health Managment, Inc.
Funding Amount: $457,839.26
Project Description: The It's Never 2 Late program will be used to assist in reducing use of antipsychotics and enhance the activities, restorative and therapy programs over the course of three years. The iN2L program is an integrative, person-centered digital technology program with activity, restorative care and therapy programs with over 4,000 applications designed to engage residents with a wide range of physical and cognitive abilities.
Grantee Name: Second Wind Dreams, Inc.
Funding Amount: $1,416.653.72
Project Description: The proposed Virtual Dementia Tour (VDT) and Dementia Aware Competency Evaluation (DACE®) program will give nursing home staff the opportunity to experience what dementia is like through individualized, experiential learning. VDT will provide healthcare staff the ability to look at the individual living with dementia, identify with them, and respond accordingly based on their increased understanding of the Dementia experience. DACE will result in healthcare providers receiving feedback about how to provide person-centered care, resulting in increased empathetic, sensitive treatment of residents.
Grantee Name: Tennessee Department of Health, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Immunization Program
Funding Amount: $379,141
Project Description: Through this project, the Tennessee Department of Health, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Immunization program will engage up to 20 Tennessee nursing homes with flu immunization coverage healthcare effectiveness data information set (HEDIS) rates falling below Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) goals to complete a needs assessment survey. Survey results will be used to provide individualized technical assistance to address barriers to successful immunization of staff and residents. Nursing homes will also receive training in the use of the Tennessee Immunization Information System (TennIIS) so they can query the immunization status of residents and staff, as well as report administered vaccines into the system. This project will directly benefit nursing home residents, as well as the staff who care for them, and will assist enrolled facilities in achieving HP2020 goals.
The overall program objective is to increase facility 2020-2021 flu and pneumococcal HEDIS measures by 20 percent above 2018-2019 rates or above HP2020 goals (whichever is greater) and to successfully enroll 50 percent of the partnering nursing homes as TennIIS users by September 30, 2021.
Grantee Name: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Funding Amount: $593,300
Project Description: Through this project, the Vanderbilt University Medical Center will engage 18 nursing homes in rural and distressed communities. Residents, family members, clinicians and staff in each participating facility will learn effective communication skills, and how to conduct conversations that will elicit the individual preferences of each resident. In addition, residents, family members and staff will be trained on advanced care planning and physician orders for life sustaining treatment. The project interventions will directly impact the quality of life of residents, morale of the staff, and delivery of the right care at the right time for the right residents based on their preferences.
Grantee Name: LifeBio
Funding Amount: $202,082
Project Description: The LifeBio project will be implemented in 22 communities: 17 American Health Communities and 5 Ahava Healthcare communities over the 12-month project period. The intended outcome of the project is to demonstrate that engagement initiatives, such as LifeBio, significantly improves residents' quality of life and care, while helping staff to be more equipped to know and serve residents better. All ages and cognitive abilities benefit from the program, as it helps to develop social connections and improve senior's lives. LifeBio captures life stories, but it is also a program for well-being which fosters engagement, reduces loneliness, and increases feelings of worth and meaning.
Grantee Name: Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee
Funding Amount: $284,396
Project Description: The Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC) Preventing Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation (PANE) Program will implement a comprehensive training program for staff working within 9 nursing homes in Knox County, Tennessee; with the goal of reaching staff in all 14 nursing homes in the Knox area. The PANE project targets outcomes that focus on increasing residents' rights by administering a training that will provide education covering elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The project will target facilities with lower Star Ratings, and/or documented Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation incidents. The PANE training program will be offered through multiple modalities, including in-service training and online module training. The Elder abuse and neglect training components will be implemented in phases and available to residents and their families. The grantee estimates that roughly 1,900 residents could be impacted throughout the course of this 3-year project.
Grantee Name: Tennessee Health Management, Inc.
Funding Amount: $792,053.34
Project Description: The goal of the 24/7 Telemedicine project is to provide residents with "face to face" interactions with Nurse Practitioners and Physicians 7 days a week, 365 days a year without leaving the comfort of their home. Through the implementation of the telemedicine system, residents, families and the nursing staff will have the ability to interact with medical professionals "face to face' via video/audio conferencing allowing a thorough assessment with real time diagnostics resulting in a more accurate plan of care; avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations. Additionally, the use of telemedicine could significantly reduce the risk of exposing residents to the coronavirus along with other viruses and nosocomial infections by treating in place. Overall, 28 Tennessee Health Management nursing facilities and 2,238 residents will be impacted throughout the course of this two-year project.
Grantee Name: Tennessee Technological University
Funding Amount: $665,086
Project Description: Tennessee Technological University will implement a statewide clinical art therapy project titled, "ArtTherapy4Life Tennessee" to improve quality of life and care for up to 2,000 residents with a variety of diagnosis in 100 skilled nursing homes across Tennessee over a three-year period. Priority will be given to rural, distressed/at-risk counties, Star 1, 2, or 3 Quality Rating and late adopters. The goal of the ArtTherapy4Life Tennessee project is to allow opportunities for creativity and foster a sense of personal autonomy and empowerment for residents. The project will consist of themed art activities developed in consultation with a registered and credentialed Art Therapist experienced in Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Art therapy training will positively affect residents by reducing agitation/stress, boosting confidence, stimulating the senses, and bridging communication gaps.
Grantee Name: Qsource
Funding Amount: $2,570,400
Project Description: The Qsource Best Practices Dissemination and Quality Improvement Support for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) via a Tennessee Culture of Safety Center (CSC) project is designed to help improve quality of life for SNF residents in Tennessee by reducing the large number of serious deficiencies. Qsource will conduct an annual summit that focuses on best practices aimed at achieving outcomes and incorporating quality improvement (QI) principles. Qsource will also develop a CSC collaborative, which will include key stakeholders and resident and family representatives that will direct the content for the annual summit and contribute to identifying topics of focus for collaborative activities in years two and three. Through this project, a website will be developed to house online resources for the collaborative participants that include four online training modules focused around common QI topics. A minimum of 20 facilities per year will participate in the collaborative throughout the course of this 3-year project.
Grantee Name: Magnet Culture, LLC
Funding Amount: $376,500.00
Project Description: Magnet Culture will implement a program titled, “The Continuity of Care Project.” The primary goal of this project is to provide valuable, concise, flexible leadership training to up to 360 department heads and leaders in 30+ Tennessee skilled nursing facilities over a three-year period, and to provide continued mentorship to increase ongoing staffing stability. The program will concentrate on improving quality care to nursing home residents by teaching managers key topics for solving staff retention issues, including: employment market trends, future staffing projections, generational dynamics, management strategies to create a work environment that attracts higher-quality candidates, more effective communication, and retention strategies proven to keep talent longer. This project will provide communities with a virtual toolkit and online resources to support the training. In addition, this project is expected to directly benefit nursing community residents by increasing staffing stability and reducing turnover of the front-line, direct care staff, which will result in more consistent staffing and improved
continuity of care for residents.
Grantee Name: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Funding Amount: $1,170,700.00
Project Description: Vanderbilt University Medical Center will assist participating nursing homes in how to prioritize and effectively implement evidence-based recommendations for COVID-19 prevention and control, through a combination of quarterly facility assessments, tailored education and coaching, and a regional quality improvement collaborative. This two-year project will directly benefit nursing home residents in approximately 75 nursing homes across Middle Tennessee, including facilities in at-risk counties and COVID-19 hot spots.
Grantee Name: Altarum Institute
Funding Amount: $1,480,889.96
Project Description: Altarum Institute will implement and assess a comprehensive culture change process that centers on improving resident quality of life by training staff to rethink current practices and engage new protocols that enhance their responsiveness to residents’ needs and preferences. The project will implement The Eden Alternative Path to Mastery™ protocol, a longstanding model that promotes person-centered care, within 8 Tennessee nursing homes in two phases (Milestone 1 and Milestone 2). Comprehensive culture change training and implementation will empower participating homes to shift from an institutional model of care to person-centered care and practices focusing on individuals’ choice, dignity, respect, self-determination, and purposeful living.