Health Care Decision Making

Choosing a Health Care Facility

Advance Directives Resources

You can download the Advanced Directives forms and information about these directives from this site. All forms have a special section for you to write in specific comments about circumstances in which you would not want CPR, a feeding tube, dialysis or treatment with a breathing machine. You should discuss these comments with your family and doctor so they can better understand what is important to you in receiving medical treatment.

You can use these documents to let your family and doctor know your decisions for health care if you become unable to decide for yourself. You can appoint someone you know and trust as your health care decision maker to ensure that your choice or decision is honored

Advance Directives for Health Care


Provider Identification of Surrogate


Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST) Form (PH-4193) (Rev 7/15)


Advance Care Plans and Appointment of Health Agent

Appointment of Surrogate

Honoring Choices® Tennessee (

The Conversation Project

Tennessee End- of-Life Partnership

Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security

Description: Tennessee drivers or identification card holders can now acknowledge whether they have completed an Advance Directive for Health Care form by assessing the Driver’s Services page and entering information in the “Add Emergency Contacts” section. This information will be only accessible to law enforcement in crisis or emergency situations.

Planning the Final Chapter of Your Life

3-minute video advocating advance directives−Gregory L. Phelps, M.D.

National Health Care Day, Speak Up

Begin the Conversation

Respecting Choices Advance Care Planning

The “ Create Your Own Advance Directive” video walks you through how to create a Tennessee Advance Directive.

  • “Advance Care Directives”−a three-module computer-based learning program
    Format: Videos  
    Source: Vanderbilt Medical Center


Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

VUMC Advanced Care Planning Modules


  • “ Initiating Advance Care Planning Conversations and Capturing Reimbursement”
    Three-part webinar focused on Medicare billing for advance care planning conversations
    Format: Videos
    Source: Healthy Shelby ( Memphis) and Atom Alliance

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3