Solid Waste Policies & Guidance

A TDEC Bureau of Environment policy for the development of policies and guidance became effective on August 7, 2017. Policies and guidance existing before August 7, 2017 will remain for use until reviews can be completed resulting in reissuance or rescission.  New policies and guidance documents and drafts for public comment will be posted on the BOE Policy & Guidance Documents page.      

The Division of Solid Waste Management – Solid Waste Program “Policy and Guidance Manual” is a compendium of policy and guidance documents developed throughout the years. Some of the topics addressed in the Manual offer regulatory clarifications on certain rules, establish Best Management Practices, and create references for intra-TDEC agreements on divisional roles. The current process for a policy or guidance to be adopted (or revised) includes a series of internal reviews, stakeholder input, and requires presentation to the Underground Storage Tanks and Solid Waste Disposal Control Board. Updates to the “Policy and Guidance Manual” happen at various times during the year. Below is a list of the most recently updated and adopted policies and guidance documents, as well as several Solid Waste Program memorandums not found in the Manual. 

Nick Lytle

This Page Last Updated: July 10, 2024 at 3:10 PM