RTI2 Resources
RTI2 and SLD Eligibility Determination Resources
- Specific Learning Disability: Evaluation and Eligibility Considerations
- Section 504
- Office Hours - Record of Decision for ILP-Ds in TN PULSE
- Data Based Decision Making Asynchronous Training Part 1
- Data Based Decision Making Regional Training Part 1 - Slide Deck
- Data Based Decision Making Asynchronous Training Part 2
- Data Based Decision Making Case Study
- Data Based Decision Making One Pager
- 2024-25 RTI2 and Characteristics of Dyslexia Communities of Practice
"Say Dyslexia" Resources
New Resources Will Be Added Soon
- Encoding URS Guidance for Grades 4-12
- Elementary Spelling Inventory Individual Scoring Sheets
- Target Office Hours DYS Coding 2024
- Individualized Learning Plans for Characteristics of Dyslexia: FamilyInformation
- Dyslexia and Section 504: Evaluation and Eligibility
- Characteristics of Dyslexia and Dyslexia- Differences and Implications
- URS Decision Making Crosswalks September 2024 Update
- ILP-D Annual Review - Exit and Renewal in TN PULSE
- Say Dyslexia Resource Guide Update
- ILP-D District Oversight Plan 2024
- Annual Review, Revision, and Exit Considerations ILP-D
2024 Family Engagement Series
Please contact SayDyslexia.Questions@tn.gov with further questions.
In our effort to support schools and districts in implementing RTI², the department has dedicated staff members in each CORE office (CORE interventionists) and is continually responding to the most frequently asked questions received at RTI.Questions@tn.gov. CORE interventionists and feedback received through RTI.Questions@tn.gov help us identify school and district needs for resources and support.
Below you will find key planning tools and resources to assist you in reflecting on your current RTI2 implementation progress, focus in on the needs of a specific student group or grade level, and see models and examples of materials for your daily work. CORE interventionists have been trained to support all grade levels in utilizing the planning tools and resources and can be contacted to assist districts directly in their RTI2 implementation, evaluation, and improvement.
- Coding for Characteristics of Dyslexia Updated Guidance
- Target Office Hours DYS Coding 2024
- URS Vendor and District Responsibilities
- RTI2 Framework for Special Education Evaulations
- RTI2 and Parental Participation Requests
RTI2 Pitfalls
RTI2 is a general education instructional framework, but practices within the framework have implications related to special education procedural safeguards. The department has created a one-page document and PowerPoint that outlines five tips for school teams and districts to review and follow to avoid violating student and parent safeguards.
Intervention Resources
PBS Learning Media In partnership with the Public Broadcast System (PBS) and Tennessee’s affiliate stations, the department has developed a series of short online learning tools for educators. The RTI2 tool provides educators with a brief summary of RTI2.
Universal Screener Criteria The Criteria for Selecting an Intervention in Reading, Mathematics and Writing is designed to help educators evaluate RTI² intervention materials for reading, mathematics and writing.
23-24 Minimum URS Matrix Grades K - 3 (Updated August 2024)
Updated Minimum Universal Reading Screener (URS) Matrix Administrative Guidelines K-3
23-24 Minimum URS Matrix Grades 4-8 (Updated August 2024)
Updated Minimum Universal Reading Screener (URS) Matrix Administrative Guidelines 4-8
23-24 Minimum URS Matrix Grades 9-12 (July 2023)
Communities of Practice
Dyslexia-specific Interventions Criteria, Student Placement, and Delivery
Family Engagement Resources and Common Dyslexia Myths
High-Quality Tier I Sounds First Instruction Tennessee Foundational Literacy Skills Curriculum
Selecting and Implementing Classroom Access Considerations through an ILP-D
Specific Learning Disability (SLD) vs. Characteristics of Dyslexia (CoD)
English Learners and Characteristics of Dyslexia Screening and Dual Identification Support CoP-2024
Support Tools
- High School Early Warning Intervention Template Resources
Scheduling Tools
Successful implementation of RTI2 requires an effective master schedule that allows ample time to provide intervention.
The following RTI2 resources provides more detailed information on the three-tier framework.