Suicide Prevention

The Jason Foundation

The Jason Foundation, Inc. (JFI) is dedicated to the prevention of the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide through educational and awareness programs that equip young people, educators/youth workers and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth.

JFI believes that awareness and education are the first steps to prevention. We want to establish a Triangle of Prevention by providing students, parents and teachers the tools and resources to help identify and help at-risk youth. This is accomplished through a curriculum unit for students and informational seminars for teachers and parents. The programs provide resources to accomplish this goal. The materials are easy to use and are intended to provide educational information. There is no intent to diagnose or treat suicidal ideation. JFI’s intention is to empower youth, educators and parents to help recognize when young people are in pain and know to get professional help involved as soon as possible. The Jason Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3.

Learn more.

Preventing Suicide among Foster Care Youth

All foster parents in the state of Tennessee are required to complete the training Preventing Suicide among Foster Care Youth, developed and presented by the Jason Foundation. Foster parents will receive 3 hours of training credit for this presentation.

Foster parents in the state of Tenessee can complete this training by logging into their DCS Brightspace account at If you do not have an account, you may request one here.

Please note that these accounts are ONLY issued to foster, adoptive, and kinship parents who live in the state of Tennessee. 


Supplemental Learning from The Jason Foundation

In addition to the core training module, the Jason Foundation has developed supplemental videos exploring topics that were introduced in Preventing Suicide among Foster Care Youth, including:

    •    Aging Out
    •    Biological Family Involvement
    •    Kinship Care
    •    Trauma
    •    Secondary Trauma
    •    Technology, Social Media and Suicidal Ideation

These trainings can be accessed via the Jason Foundation's website. Tennessee foster parents can receive training credit by completing these modules in Brightspace. Search "Jason Foundation: Supplemental Learning" to access these trainings.