Child Safety Training
The Office of Child Safety provides training for the Child Abuse Hotline and Child Protection Services employees. The picture above is one of our first graduating classes from the CPS Academy.
The CPS Academy supports the continued professional development for CPS case managers after one year of employment. The CPS Academy provides advanced courses to enhance the skill sets and knowledge learned in pre-service and on the job experience. The training at the CPS Academy is delivered in partnership with a variety of community partners and the Department of Children’s Services.
Mandated Reporter Training
A free online training that offers the public information on how to report child abuse and neglect in Tennessee. It explains how the process works, plus policies, laws and what reporters can expect. The training is used by many public entities such as schools, child care centers and organizations that have some contact with children. Anyone who wants it, can access the training. The training was developed in collaboration with the University of Tennessee College of Social Work, Office of Research and Public Service; the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services; the Joint Task Force on Children’s Justice/Child Sexual Abuse; and the Shelby County Citizen’s Review Panel.
The Office of Child Safety continuously looks for new and innovative training opportunities for all staff. If you have a training opportunity you would like to share, or have questions about current training programs, please email the Director of Training and Development, Rebecca Bevans