Fish Species in Greatest Need of Conservation
Species List
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Notropis chrosomus Cycleptus elongatus Etheostoma corona Notropis albizonatus Etheostoma bellum Macrhybopsis sp. 1 Silverjaw Minnow Barrens Darter Brook Trout Pygmy Madtom Barcheek Darter Sooty Darter Slenderhead Darter Crown Darter Naked Sand Darter Hybopsis lineapunctata Frecklebelly Madtom Golden Topminnow Laurel Dace Paddlefish Southern Cavefish Noturus fasciatus Wounded Darter S1 S2 Acipenser fulvescens S3 S4 C D E G5T3Q Etheostoma luteovinctum Ammocrypta beanii Slackwater Darter Noturus crypticus S? T Firebelly Darter Etheostoma marmorpinnum SH Crystallaria cincotta Notropis rubellus Fish SP Cyprinella caerulea SX Etheostoma rupestre Redlips Darter Tuckasegee Darter Blue sucker Sharphead Darter Smoky Dace Erimonax monachus Notropis dorsalis Noturus flavipinnis Percina kusha Marbled Darter Notropis buccatus G4G5 Polyodon spathula Percina macrocephala Moxostoma sp. 2 Burrhead Shiner Etheostoma maydeni Rock Darter Conasauga Logperch LT, XN Etheostoma cinereum S2S3 Fundulus julisia Noturus gladiator Typhlichthys subterraneus Rosyface Shiner Moxostoma lacerum Etheostoma barbouri Frecklebelly Darter Thoburnia atripinnis Fundulus chrysotus S3S4 Macrhybopsis gelida Lake Sturgeon Etheostoma percnurum Emerald Darter Ammocrypta vivax Etheostoma microlepidum Sicklefin Chub G3G4 Ichthyomyzon gagei Etheostoma brevirostrum Olive Darter Boulder Darter Barrens Topminnow Percina sp. 3 Golden Darter Percina jenkinsi Duskytail Darter G1 Rainbow Shiner G2 G3 Teardrop Darter G4 G5 Ashy Darter Phenacobius catostomus Coppercheek Darter Spotfin Chub Hemitremia flammea S1S2 Tuscumbia Darter Etheostoma barrenense Etheostoma vulneratum Percina williamsi Scaphirhynchus albus Lined Chub Tippecanoe Darter G2Q Tennessee Dace Etheostoma ditrema Chrosomus saylori Noturus stanauli GX Alligator Gar Smoky Madtom G2G3 Etheostoma aquali Striated Darter Macrhybopsis meeki Citico Darter Western Sand Darter Redband Darter Etheostoma forbesi Erimystax cahni Arrow Darter Bluemask Darter Bridled Darter Clinostomus funduloides ssp. 1 Cumberland Darter Etheostoma tippecanoe Etheostoma boschungi Noturus munitus Diamond Darter Trispot Darter Silver Lamprey Egg-mimic Darter Tuxedo Darter Percina squamata Harelip Sucker Splendid Darter Percina tanasi Holiday Darter Saddled Madtom Notropis asperifrons G1G2 Flame Chub Etheostoma sitikuense Orangefin Darter American Eel Plains Minnow Percina phoxocephala Notropis rupestris Sturgeon Chub Etheostoma pseudovulatum Etheostoma tuscumbia Chrosomus cumberlandensis Yellowfin Madtom Etheostoma gutselli Etheostoma acuticeps Blackfin Sucker Etheostoma akatulo Riffle Minnow Hybognathus placitus Etheostoma striatulum Etheostoma maculatum Erimystax insignis Piebald Madtom Etheostoma neopterum LE Etheostoma denoncourti Lollypop Darter Bedrock Shiner Etheostoma trisella Etheostoma lemniscatum Longhead Darter Anguilla rostrata LT Chickasaw Darter Coldwater Darter Etheostoma wapiti Blue Shiner Etheostoma blennius sequatchiense Bigmouth Shiner Tangerine Darter Muscadine Darter Salvelinus fontinalis MC Etheostoma olivaceum Scaly Sand Darter Atractosteus spatula Etheostoma sagitta Spotted Darter Erimystax dissimilis Palezone Shiner Etheostoma pyrrhogaster Amber Darter Chrosomus tennesseensis Percina burtoni Etheostoma baileyi Etheostoma susanae Highfin Carpsucker Etheostoma obeyense Streamline Chub Chucky Madtom Snail Darter Ichthyomyzon unicuspis Percina stictogaster Percina antesella Blackside Dace Blotched Chub Smallscale Darter Slender Chub Etheostoma cervus Sicklefin Redhorse G4T3 Southern Brook Lamprey Percina aurantiaca Blotchside Logperch Pallid Sturgeon LT, XN,
PXN Noturus baileyi Ammocrypta clara Sequatchie Blenny Darter LE, XN Sickle Darter Carpiodes velifer Coosa Chub