Cordell Hull WMA

Directions and Description

WMA Interactive Map

Site Directions:  Horseshoe Bend- Lat-Long: 36.29364, -85.92818   Carthage- Head east on TN-25E (2.9 mi), Use the right lane to take the TN-53N/US-70N ramp (0.2 mi), Turn right onto TN-53N/US-70NE/Cookeville Hwy (3.2 mi), Turn left onto Horseshoe Bend Rd (2.5 mi), Slight right to stay on Horseshoe Bend Rd (3.5 mi).

McClures Bend- Lat-Long: 36.26253, -85.88913   Carthage- Head west on TN-25E/TN-25 Bypass (0.7 mi), Turn right onto Ervin Dr (154ft), Continue onto TN-263N/Main St N (5.1 mi), Turn right onto TN-85E (2.9 mi), Turn right onto Lakeside Dr (0.2 mi), Turn right to stay on Lakeside Dr (2.3 mi), Turn right onto McClure Bend Ln (1.1 mi), Continue onto McClures Bend Ln (2.6 mi).

Sullivans Bend- Lat-Long: 36.29069, -85.87537   Carthage- Head East on TN-25E (2.9 mi), Use the right lane to take the TN-53N/US-70N ramp (0.2 mi), Turn right onto TN-53N/US-70NE/Cookeville Hwy (3.2 mi), Turn left onto Horseshoe Bend Rd (1.0 mi), Turn right onto Sullivan Bend Rd (1.4 mi), Turn left onto Vaden hollow Rd (423 ft), Continue onto Sullivan Bend Rd (3.5 mi).

Brooks Bend- Lat-Long: 36.27966, -85.83236   Gainesboro- Head west on TN-53S/E Hull Ave (0.7 mi), Turn right onto TN-262W (7.1 mi), Continue onto TN-85W (2.2 mi), Turn left onto Smith Bend Ln (0.7 mi), Turn right onto Brooks Bend Ln (5.5 mi).

Hollemans Bend- Lat-Long: 36.27665, -85.79828   Granville- Head north on TN-53N (0.7 mi), Turn left onto Holleman Bend Ln (125ft), Access will be on the left.

Smith Bend- Lat-Long: 36.33379, -85.79348   Gainesboro- Head west on TN-53S/E Hull Ave (0.7 mi), Turn right onto TN-262W (7.1 mi), Continue onto TN-85W (2.2 mi), Turn left onto Smith Ben Ln (1.2 mi), Access will be on the right.

Whites Bend- Lat-Long: 36.34989, -85.73482  Gainesboro- Head west on TN-53S/E Hull Ave (4.5 mi), Turn right onto Whites Bend Ln (1.8 mi), Access will be on the right.

Bullards Creek- Lat-Long: 36.35568, -85.72044  Gainesboro- Head west on TN-53S/E Hull Ave (0.7 mi), Turn Right onto TN-262W (3.9 mi), Access will be on the left on the east and west side of Bullards Creek.

Trace Creek- Lat-Long: 36.35649, -85.69886  Gainesboro- Head west on TN-53S/E Hull Ave (0.7 mi), Turn Right onto TN-262W (2.6 mi), Access will be on the left.

Big Bottom Road- Lat-Long: 36.44451, -85.60006  Gainesboro- Head north on TN-56 N (1.3 mi), Turn left onto TN135N/TN-56N/TN-85W/Old Tennessee 85 W (0.5 mi), Turn right onto Big Bottom Rd, Several access areas located off Big Bottom Rd up to Brimstone Boat Ramp.

Sugar Creek- Lat-Long: 36.43537, -85.62878  Gainesboro- Head north on TN-56 N (1.3 mi), Continue onto TN-135S/TN-53N/TN-85E (5.1 mi), Access will be on the left.

The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, with access dependent on hunting seasons.   License fees may apply.

TWRA Contact Information:  Region 3 Office: 1-931-484-9571, Toll-Free:  1-833-402-4698, E-mail the office, TWRA Area Manager: Johnny Poston 1-615-342-9307

Directions: The WMA consists of Army Corp of Engineer property adjacent to the Cumberland River spanning from the Cordell Hull Lock and Dam to the south to the Clay and Jackson county line to the north.  There are over 200 agricultural fields within the WMA consisting of crops beneficial to wildlife (primarily soybeans) and early succession habitats easily accessible by road and boat.  This WMA is part of the Cordell Hull Conservation Opportunity Area.

Woodland birding is good year-round. Typical resident birds including Northern CardinalBlue Jays, and Tufted Titmouse are common. Neotropical migrant songbirds found along the trail include Scarlet Tanager and Ovenbird.

Regulations & Dates

Big game, Small Game, and Trapping
 - same as statewide seasons, except as noted.  Closed to quail hunting.

The wheelchair-bound hunter zone is open to wheelchair-bound hunters only.  Wheelchair-Bound Hunter Only Zone - That area in the old “Corps of Engineers Roaring River Campground” area of Cordell Hull WMA (north of Hwy. 135, north of Roaring River, south and east of Hwy. 85, and west of Old Roaring River Iron Bridge Road).

Dog training - Sept. 1, 2024 – March 15, 2025.

Camping - Army Corp of Engineer campgrounds, available seasonally.

Defeated Creek Unit

Defeated Creek Unit is the area of Defeated Creek that extends from the main river channel to the Corps of Engineers boundary along Defeated Creek excluding Defeated Creek Recreational Area.

Same as statewide seasons except as noted.  Closed to quail hunting.

Archery equipment only for deer hunting.

Shotguns are only for small game hunting.

TN Hunting Season Summary

Hunting Regulations Link
Buy a license link
Interactive Map of Barkley WMA
2023-24 Hunting Guide
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