Frequently Asked Questions
To apply for DHS services, check case status, manage your case, file and appeal, and more, visit
Q: How do I apply for Food Stamp benefits?
A: To apply for SNAP (Food Stamps) and/or Families First (TANF), you may submit your application online or or through our One DHS Portal or access a printable version of the application: English, Spanish, Arabic, Somali. Print and sign the application and fax, mail, or bring it to a local DHS county office for us to process.
Q: How do I get a replacement EBT card if it is lost or will not scan?
A: Contact the EBT Customer Service at 1-888-997-9444.
Q: What will I need to bring/have to apply for SNAP Benefits?
A: If you are applying for SNAP (food stamp) benefits, the documents listed below may be needed to complete the application process.
- Social Security Number
- Your Identification (Example: driver's license, school ID with photo, Passport, Resident Alien Card, I-94 card, voter's registration card)
- Where you live (Example: lease agreement, utility bill, phone bill, or driver’s license with your address on it)
- Income (Example: check stubs, employer statement, award letters)
- Shelter costs (Example: mortgage payments, property tax, homeowner’s insurance, rent receipt, lease agreement)
- Costs of utilities (Example: electric bill, water bill, gas bill)
You may be asked to provide more information during your interview. Your eligibility counselor will explain what information is needed, how to get it and help you if you need assistance.
Q: How do I transfer benefits from one state to another?
A: You will first have to close your case in the state where you currently live. Then, to open a case in Tennessee, you will need to fill out an application.
Click HERE for other family assistance frequently asked questions.
Q: How do I apply for child support services?
A: You may apply for services by completing an Application for Child Support Services: Application for Services (English) | Application for Services (Spanish). Once completed, you should mail the application to your local child support office.
Click HERE for other child support program frequently asked questions.
Q: How do I apply for child care assistance?
A: To apply for the service, contact the local Department of Human Services office. Click HERE for office locations.
Q: How do I locate a child care provider in my neighborhood?
A: Use the Find Child Care Provider Map to locate a provider in your neighborhood.
Q: How do I report or file a complaint against a child care agency?
A: Call the Child Care Complaint Hotline at 1-800-462-8261.
Q: How do apply for a child care license?
A: Contact a local Child Care Licensing Office to become a licensed child care agency.
Q: How do I know if I need an adult day care license?
A: Tennessee law requires that any Adult Day Care/Adult Day Services program caring for 10 or more clients be licensed by the Department of Human Services.
Q: How do I apply for an adult day care license?
A: For information on becoming a licensed Adult Day Care provider, please contact the local Adult Care Licensing Office.
Q: How do I report elder abuse?
A: To report abuse and neglect, call toll free 1-888-APS-TENN (1-888-277-8366) or use the secure website:
Q: How do I make a referral for vocational rehabilitation services?
A: An individual with a disability may apply directly to Vocational Rehabilitation or may be referred by another individual or agency. A referral may be made by contacting a Vocational Rehabilitation office in person, by US postal, or by telephone.
Q: How do I find out the status of my disability claim?
A: For a status on a pending disability claim, please contact Disability Determination Services' customer service line at 1-800-342-1111(toll free, in TN); TTY (615) 253-1510; or, TTY: (Long Distance) 1-877-210-0008.
Q: How do I anonymously report someone for fraudulently receiving benefits?
A: Report Fraud
Q: How do I report child abuse?
A: You will need to contact the Department of Children's Services.

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