January 26, 2023
2:00 pm
Davy Crockett Tower Conference Room 1-B 500 James Robertson Pkwy Nashville, TN Livestream - http://bitly.ws/znyK Pursuant to T.C.A. 8-44-108, this meeting is accessible to the public for participation.
I. Welcome
Terence Patterson, Committee Chair
- Roll Call
- Review of Agenda
- Approval of Prior Minutes
II. Commission Policy Updates- First Reading
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel
- 1.100- Commission Members
- 1.300- Commission Personnel
- 3.600- Renewal of Commission-Authorized Charter Agreements
Commission Policy Updates- Final Reading
- 3.700- School Performance Framework (Clean)
-3.700- School Performance Framework (Redline)
III. Commission Rule Update
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel
- Withdrawal of TPCSC Rule Amendments
IV. Commission Officer Elections
V. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Terence Patterson, Committee Chair