Workforce and Economic Development

Recognizing the role postsecondary institutions play in driving economic development and preparing Tennesseans for the jobs of today and the future, THEC’s Workforce Development team seeks to promote economic growth and provide a skilled workforce with a specific focus on higher education institutions and postsecondary attainment. Specific grant programs to support this work are summarized below.

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Governor’s Investment in Vocational Education (GIVE): GIVE community grants facilitate the alignment of local workforce and education partners through a competitive grant process. Proposals must identify and address local community/regional skills gaps through one (or a combination) of the following methods: Enhance, expand, and/or acquire equipment to develop an academic program that creates a pathway from secondary to postsecondary, culminates in a postsecondary certificate, diploma, or degree, and fills a critical and demonstrable local workforce need; Develop and implement collaborative, meaningful, and structured work-based learning (WBL) experiences; Provide industry recognized certifications to meet an identified regional workforce need.

Supporting Postsecondary Access in Rural Counties (SPARC): SPARC is a targeted initiative to bridge, if not resolve, three identified obstacles: infrastructure need, geographic access to higher education, and unmet need for additional CTE Dual Enrollment opportunities. This initiative awards funding to K-12 school districts through a non-competitive grant process.

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Rural Health Care Pathway Programs: In 2024, $67.7 was allocated via the Governor’s budget over five years for grants to expand current health care, behavioral health, and dental health pathway programs through increasing early exposure to health care careers; increasing transition opportunities into health science education and health care careers; and improving health care career advancement programs.

These grant programs are currently closed to applications. Future funding opportunities will be announced here.