Tennessee Accreditation Network (TAN)
THEC coordinates the Tennessee Accreditation Network which is comprised of SACSCOC accreditation liaisons primarily across the State of Tennessee but is open to any SACSCOC accredited institutions. The work of the network is dedicated to improving the academic quality, accountability, and evaluation processes of member institutions and exists to support accreditation efforts at both public and private institutions.
Identity Statement
The Tennessee Accreditation Network is a group of accreditation liaisons representing higher education institutions across the State of Tennessee that are dedicated to improving the academic quality, accountability, and self and peer evaluation processes of member institutions.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Tennessee Accreditation Network is to support the accreditation efforts of Tennessee higher education institutions through the collective knowledge, ongoing experiences, and shared resources of its members.
Vision Statement
The Tennessee Accreditation Network will be a valuable resource for public and private member institutions as it inspires its members to grow in knowledge, experience, and service to their respective constituents.
We, the Tennessee Accreditation Network, will accomplish our mission by:
Aim #1—encouraging continuous improvement in quality and innovation;
Aim #2—sharing our collective accreditation and assessment expertise through professional development activities, networking, and mentoring;
Aim #3—sharing institutional resources to include good practices and institutional data and information; and
Aim #4—providing a collective voice among the accreditation community.
Additional Resources
Additional Tennessee Accreditation Network resources can be found on our TAN Resources Webpages hosted by the University of Tennessee, Martin.
Institution | Contact | Title | Email Address | Phone Number |
Austin Peay State University | Jasmine O'Brien | Curriculum Coordinator | obrienjr@apsu.edu | 931-221-6243 |
East Tennessee State University | Dr. William Flora | Associate Provost for Curriculum | floraw@mail.etsu.edu | 423-439-6872 |
Middle Tennessee State University | Dr. Amy Aldridge Sanford | Vice Provost for Academic Affairs | amy.aldridge.sanford@mtsu.edu | 615-494-7611 |
Tennessee State University | Dr. Johnni Smith | Assistant Vice President for Dual Enrollment and Academic Support | jsmith89@tnstate.edu | 615-963-5301 |
Tennessee Technological University | Dr. Sharon Hou | Associate Provost | xhuo@tntech.edu | 931-372-3463 |
University of Memphis | Dr. Carol Danehower | Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs | vdanehwr@memphis.edu | 901-678-5112 |
University of Tennessee System | Dr. Bernie Savarese | Vice President for Academic Affairs, Research, and Student Success | bsavares@tennessee.edu | 865-974-3843 |
University of Tennessee System | Dr. Leigh Cherry Morales | Director for Student Success | lcmorales@tennessee.edu | 865-974-8849 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Dr. Jothany Reed (copy on all communications) | Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | jothany.reed@tbr.edu | 615-365-1505 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Dr. Tom Sewell (copy on all Community College communications) | Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Innovation | tom.sewell@tbr.edu | 615-366-2211 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Dr. Robert Denn (copy on all Community College Dual Enrollment Partnership Agreement Forms) | Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | robert.denn@tbr.edu | 615-365-1518 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Dr. Tachaka Hollins (copy on all TCAT communications) | Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | tachaka.hollins@tbr.edu | 615-366-4459 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Rebecca Loftis (copy on all communications) | Adminstrative Assistant | rebecca.loftis@tbr.edu | 615-366-3954 |