Financial Aid
College For TN
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Fee Waiver and Fee Discount
Learn more about fee and waiver discounts available to state employees and dependents of state employees and public school teachers.
TN Stars
The TNStars College Savings 529 Program is Tennessee’s own 529 program, a program that is designed to make college savings easy. The program offers parents and other relatives a low-cost way to save for children’s college expenses with attractive investment options and special tax advantages.
Reduction in Force Tuition Assistance
Tuition assistance of up to $13,244 each year at a Tennessee public community college, university, or college of applied technology for Tennessee state employees who were separated due to a reduction in force (RIF). Applicants have two years to submit the application and enroll at an eligible postsecondary institution beginning with the date of separation. Tuition assistance benefits will cover the cost of tuition and mandatory fees for two academic years. All types of courses are eligible for payment. Students are not required to be in a degree or certificate program.
Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Portal (TSAC Student Portal)
Tennessee students can create an account and apply for state financial aid like Tennessee Promise, Dual Enrollment Grant, and more!