Articulation and Transfer
The Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) has many statewide initiatives related to articulation and transfer. Here, you’ll find valuable information on the Tennessee Reverse Transfer, Tennessee Transfer Pathways, and other resources. Also listed are the leaders who collaborate and design these programs at the colleges and universities throughout the state.
Please review tabs below and on the left for relevant information related articulation and transfer.
- THEC Articulation and Transfer Reports
- Helping Community College Students Climb the Transfer Ladder
- New Measures of Postsecondary Education Transfer Performance: Transfer-out rates for community colleges, transfer student graduation rates at four-year colleges, and the institutional dyads contributing to transfer student success
- Facing Pressure on Enrollment, Will Colleges Support More Transfer Students?
- Supporting Transfer Student Success with Policy and Programs
- TransferBOOST
- The Transfer Playbook: Essential Practices for Two- and Four-Year Colleges
For questions or assistance related to articulation and transfer please contact:
Tracy Comer, Ed.D
Director of Articulation and Transfer
Tennessee Higher Education Commission