Reports, Studies, and Publications

The Articulation and Transfer Report provides demographic information on Tennessee’s transfer students and  analyzes their enrollment patterns and outcomes.

The annual Chair of Excellence Report fulfills a statutory requirement of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission to address the general status of the Chairs of Excellence program.

This report explores postsecondary enrollment trends of recent high-school graduates, including demographics, county statistics, and factors influencing college going in Tennessee.

This report addresses topics of access, efficiency, productivity, and quality in public higher education by providing current year and longitudinal statistics about higher education in Tennessee.

Reports include Completion Grant Reports, Tennessee Promise annual report, TELS annual report, and Tennessee Reconnect annual report. 

Reports include the Tennessee HBCU Success Strategic Plan, HBCU Student and Institutional Data, and more. 

Reports include the Academic Supply for Occupational Demand Report. 

The annual VETS Campus report includes an index of Tennessee's VETS Campuses, student enrollment data, programs of study, and degree completion.