Freight Planning

James K. Polk Building, Suite 900
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0344

Freight planning is an important component of state and metropolitan transportation planning processes. Because of its strategic central location, Tennessee’s freight infrastructure is critical to trade flows throughout the country. The TDOT Freight Planning Office is responsible for collaborating with transportation agencies and public and private partners to coordinate statewide freight planning efforts.

TDOT provides freight planning support to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) upon request by providing freight data (such as Transearch) and assisting with small freight projects.  In 2013, a statewide Freight Advisory Committee (FAC) was established to assist in developing a comprehensive State Freight Plan for Tennessee.


What is the Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan (SMFP)?

  • Guides advancement of the multimodal freight transportation system​  
  • Assesses all freight modes and intermodal connectivity​
  • Identifies freight needs and issues​
  • Creates recommendations for policies, programs, projects and processes
  • Serves as a roadmap for future investment​

Take the Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan Participant Survey

Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan

Statewide Rail Plan

National Economic Partnerships (NEP)


For additional information regarding freight planning, contact TDOT Freight Planning Program Monitor Adam Jaeckel (615)253-5938 

For information regarding the permitting and operation of oversize/overweight vehicles, call (615) 741-3821 or visit the TDOT Central Services Oversize & Overweight Permit Office website.

For information regarding commercial vehicle enforcement, call (615) 743-4990 or visit the Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security Commercial Vehicle Enforcement website.

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