Environmental Guidelines |
Chapter 1: Introduction (pdf)
Chapter 2: Technical Studies (pdf)
Chapter 3: NEPA (pdf)
Chapter 4: Mitigation (pdf) – In Progress
Chapter 5: Environmental Permitting (pdf) – In Progress
Chapter 6: Environmental Compliance (pdf) – In Progress
Chapter 7: MS4 (pdf) – In Progress
TDOT Policy on Highway Traffic Noise Abatement
FHWA Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic and Construction Noise, 23 CFR 772
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Environmental Toolkit
AASHTO Center for Environmental Excellence Practitioner's Handbooks
EA and EIS Reviews for TDOT Projects
NEPA Hub for Local Program Projects
Tennessee Environmental Streamlining Agreement (TESA)
Programmatic Agreement Regarding Categorical Exclusions
NEPA Forms and Documentation
Public Involvement Requirements Guidance
TDOT Construction Project Bid Lettings
EPA: Section 404 of the Clean Water Act – Compensatory Mitigation
TDEC: Compensatory Mitigation for Streams and Wetlands
USACE Nashville District: Compensatory Mitigation
Stream Restoration
TDEC General and Individual Aquatic Resource Alteration Permits (ARAP)
TDEC Class V Underground Injection Well Permits
TDEC NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit Coverage
TDEC Erosion Prevention Sediment Control
USACE Nationwide and Individual Section 404 Permits
TVA Section 26a Permits
TDOT Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control Inspection Manual
TDOT Standard Drawings
TDOT Qualified Products List
Construction Spec Book 2021 Standard Specifications
TDOT TS4/MS4 Permit