Environmental Compliance Office
James K. Polk Building, Suite 900
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 615.253.8815

Trent Thomas
Environmental Compliance Team Lead
The Environmental Compliance Office (ECO) combines the responsibilities of the Compliance and Field Services Program and the MS4 and Facilities Compliance Program into one cohesive unit. The goal of this office is to provide oversight, training, and technical expertise necessary for environmental compliance for TDOT construction activities and for TDOT facilities. This office ensures corrective actions for environmental issues.
The TS4/MS4 & Facilities Compliance Team has a wide range of responsibilities that include the annual inspection and reporting of TDOT owned and maintained facilities. Under this program, staff at the TDOT facilities receive training on required sampling, inspections, and documentation needed for compliance for the activities at their facility, as well as ensuring appropriate response and reporting on hazardous materials management and spills that may occur as a result of vehicular accidents on TDOT roadways. The TS4/MS4 & Facility Compliance program is also charged with implementing the TDOT Transportation (commonly known as Municipal) Separate Storm Sewer System (TS4/MS4) Permit. TDOT’s TS4/MS4Permit authorizes TDOT to discharge stormwater and allowable non-stormwater from all portions of our TS4/MS4 boundaries within the state which includes all areas within TDOT’s right-of-way (ROW) and TDOT owned/operated facilities. Implementation includes mapping of outfalls along TDOT ROW, illicit discharge detection and screening, evaluation and modeling of the significance of roadway pollution contribution, post construction stormwater management, evaluation and control of discharges within TMDL regulated watersheds. This program works closely with TDEC to provide practical approaches and to realistically consider the water quality and quantity impacts of TDOT’s stormwater contribution to the environment.
The Compliance & Field Services program evaluates compliance with Federal and State environmental permits and regulations on TDOT construction activities through oversight by Quality Assurance Inspections. The Compliance & Field Services staff also provides guidance, technical expertise, and training on matters relating to Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control and compliance with environmental permits for TDOT construction projects. TDOT Compliance & Field Services staff also works closely with the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC) and other regulatory agencies involved in oversight of TDOT construction activities as they relate to:
- NPDES Construction Stormwater Permits
- Aquatic ResourceAlteration Permits (ARAP)
- USACE 404 Permits
- TVA 26a Permits
- UIC Class V Injection Well (Sinkhole) Permits