NEPA Programs Office
James K. Polk Building, Suite 900
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 615.532.5869
NEPA Programs Office Manager
The NEPA Programs Office is responsible for the coordination and documentation of environmental reviews for TDOT projects. Where Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funds or major approvals are applicable to a project, these environmental reviews are conducted pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). For state-funded projects, though not required by regulation or statute, Tennessee Environmental Evaluation Report (TEER) reviews are conducted pursuant to TDOT standard practice.
NEPA and TEER reviews include analysis and documentation of social, economic, and environmental conditions and potential impacts for each transportation project. The level and type of analysis required pursuant to NEPA for a project varies depending on the significance, complexity, and contextual setting of the proposed action and documentation for these reviews can range from the most basic classification known as a Categorical Exclusion (CE), to the more comprehensive Environmental Assessment (EA), and to the most complex Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Most TDOT projects are reviewed under a CE level document. TEER reviews and documentation tend to require the same level and type of analysis as a NEPA CE level document with some exceptions where certain federal requirements are not warranted.
The functions of the NEPA Programs Office are carried out by two Sections: the NEPA Special Projects Section and the General NEPA Section. Refer below for additional information on the roles and responsibilities of each Section and for associated resources.

Erick Hunt-Hawkins
NEPA Special Projects Manager
(615) 253-5163
The NEPA Special Projects Section coordinates and documents Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) NEPA reviews for TDOT projects, conducts or coordinates the NEPA process for TDOT Alternative Contracting projects, assists Local Governments with NEPA and TEER compliance for Local Programs Projects, and serves as the Tennessee Environmental Streamlining Agreement (TESA) coordinator. When the NEPA Special Projects Section is involved in the development or review of CE level NEPA documentation or TEER documentation for TDOT projects (rather than Local Programs Projects) the templates and resources shown in the General NEPA Section below should be referenced.
For projects warranting the completion of an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the coordination and documentation of that process is completed by the NEPA Special Projects Section. Click here for additional information and resources.
Regardless of the NEPA class of action, for TDOT projects developed via Alternative Contracting methods such as Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) and Design Build , the NEPA review process is either completed by or managed by the NEPA Special Projects Section.
The NEPA Special Projects Section coordinates with TDOT’s Local Programs Development Office (LPDO) in the Program Development Division and provides direct coordination with local governments to ensure that appropriate environmental documentation is prepared and approved for locally managed projects. Click here for additional information and resources.
The NEPA Special Projects Section manages the Tennessee Environmental Streamlining Agreement (TESA) on behalf of the Environmental Division. TESA is an inter-agency agreement designed to foster coordination and concurrence throughout the project development process for select projects.

General NEPA Section Manager
The General NEPA Section coordinates and prepares environmental documents for TDOT projects that qualify as a Categorical Exclusion (CE) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as well as Tennessee Environmental Evaluation Report (TEER) documents for state funded projects. For CE or TEER documentation developed by Tennessee Local Governments, refer to the NEPA Hub for Local Programs Projects in the NEPA Special Projects Section for information and guidance.
If a project that might otherwise qualify as a D-List CE meets the criteria outlined in this Agreement, the CE document does not require FHWA review and approval and can instead be reviewed and approved by TDOT.
Most CE and TEER documents should be completed using this fillable template. Alternate templates may be applicable as either noted below or as provided by TDOT. To view or use this template, right click this link and choose "Save link as". Once saved, you can then open this document from wherever you have itsaved. Please note, attempting to open the document directly from the provided link will result in an error message.
CE documentation for the sale of Excess Land should be completed using this fillable template. To view or use this template, right click this link and choose “Save link as”. Once saved, you can then open this document from wherever you have it saved. Please note, attempting to open the document directly from the provided link will result in an error message.
CE documentation for resurfacing projects should be completed using this fillable template. To view or use this template, right click this link and choose “Save link as”. Once saved, you can then open this document from wherever you have it saved. Please note, attempting to open the document directly from the provided link will result in an error message.
Regardless of document type, this Environmental Studies Request (ESR) form is used for requesting and receiving technical study reviews for environmental documentation at TDOT. To view or use this template, right click this link and choose “Save link as”. Once saved, you can then open this document from wherever you have it saved. Please note, attempting to open the document directly from the provided link will result in an error message.
Reevaluations of CE or TEER documents that are approved by TDOT and do not require FHWA review or approval should be completed on this template. To view or use this template, right click this link and choose “Save link as”. Once saved, you can then open this document from wherever you have it saved. Please note, attempting to open the document directly from the provided link will result in an error message.
This template should be used for Reevaluations of any document level that warrants FHWA review and approval. Reevaluations of EA and EIS documents will always use this template. Check with the NEPA Programs Office to confirm if this template should be used for a Reevaluation of a C-List or D-List CE.
Please use this template to format your technical appendices for NEPA and TEER documentation submitted to TDOT. The order of the appendices should follow the order that the appended documents are referenced in the environmental document and, therefore, the order may be different than as presented in this template. Appendices must be bookmarked with clear and concise names. To view or use this template, right click this link and choose “Save link as”. Once saved, you can then open this document from wherever you have it saved. Please note, attempting to open the document directly from the provided link will result in an error message.
Regardless of document type, any document submitted to TDOT for review should include a completed version of this QA review form. To view or use this template, right click this link and choose “Save link as”. Once saved, you can then open this document from wherever you have it saved. Please note, attempting to open the document directly from the provided link will result in an error message.