TS4/MS4 Permit & Facility Compliance Program

Klint Rommel
Facility Compliance Manager
(615) 253-2419
The TS4/MS4 & Facility Compliance Program provides oversight at TDOT facilities for compliance with current environmental regulations and requirements. These regulations can include the following:
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)
- Petroleum Underground Storage Act
- Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
- Emergency Planning Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
Under this program, staff at the TDOT facilities receive training on required sampling, inspections, and documentation needed for compliance for the activities at their facility. This program also produces Environmental Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for garage operations, Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), waste handling (hazardous and non-hazardous), spill reporting and clean-up, stormwater management, and material handling (including salt and brine). SOPs, standard forms, training material, and other environmental resources are made available to all facilities' staff on the TDOT ECO website.
The TS4/MS4 & Facility Compliance Program is also charged with implementing the TDOT Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. TDOT’s TS4/MS4 permit authorizes TDOT to discharge stormwater and allowable non-stormwater from all portions of our TS4/MS4 boundaries within the state which includes all areas within TDOT’s right-of-way (ROW) and TDOT owned/operated facilities. Implementation includes mapping of outfalls along TDOT ROW, illicit discharge detection and screening, evaluation and modeling of the significance of roadway pollution contribution, post construction stormwater management, and evaluation and control of discharges within TMDL-regulated watersheds. This program works closely with TDEC to provide practical approaches and to realistically consider the water quality and quantity impacts of TDOT’s stormwater contribution to the environment.
Helpful Links
Facility Guidance Forms
TDOT TS4/MS4 Permit