Identifying and Managing Anxiety in Children and Youth

May 29, 2024, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am CDT


May 29, 2024

8:30 am to 11:30 am CDT


Upper Cumberland Development District 1104 England Dr. Cookeville, TN



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Volunteer Behavioral Health, Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN), and the Upper Cumberland Council is once again partnering to host a spring event!  We hope you are able to join us for, Identifying & Managing Anxiety in Children & Youth on Wednesday May 29th at the Upper Cumberland Development District. We will have a lite breakfast and networking beginning at 8:00am with our program stating at 8:30am. NASW CEU’s will be available.

May is Mental Health Awareness month. So many of our children and youth are facing challenges with managing anxiety.  The training will provide a greater understanding around childhood expressions of anxiety, treatment modalities and best practices, and how to determine best referral resources. Dr. Atkinson with Volunteer Behavioral Health will be our keynote speaker. Additionally, a Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training strategy for suicide prevention will also be a part of our day. Coping skills to mitigate anxiety will also be shared.