Youth Transitions Advisory Council

picture of teens

The Youth Transitions Advisory Council (YTAC) was established by the Legislature to assist the Department of Children’s Services with developing extension of foster care services for youth in state custody who age out of the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Extension of foster care services assists young people who age out of state custody in completing their high school diploma, GED or High School Equivalency Test, and post-secondary education. These young people are no longer in state custody, but voluntarily agree to remain under juvenile court supervision continuing to receive needed services from DCS, while completing their education

The executive director of the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth is the chair of the Youth Transitions Advisory Council. All state departments providing services to youth and young adults participate. A broad array of private service providers, mental health advocates, and other community stakeholders also attend. The Youth Transitions Advisory Council meets three to four times per year. Summaries of meetings are available online.

The Youth Transitions Advisory Council produces an annual report for the General Assembly in October of each year. The report documents the number of former foster youth accepting and receiving the services,  the progress made by the department toward the provision of services to these young persons, and any recommendations the members of YTAC suggest toward improving those services.


1/25/24 Jordan Walley

Jordan Walley
Director of Council on Children's Mental Health & Youth Transitions Advisory Council