January 27, 2023
9:00 am to 1:30 pm EST
Jubilee Banquet Facility, 6700 Jubilee Center Way, Knoxville, TN

Please join us for our next ETCCY educational event entitled: “The Effects of the Opioid Crisis in Tennessee” with guest speaker Dr. Jennifer Tourville, DNP, Executive Director, SMART Initiative Substance Misuse and Addiction Resource for Tennessee, on Friday, January 27, 2023, from 9:00AM until 1:30PM at Jubilee Banquet Facility, 6700 Jubilee Center Way, Knoxville, TN.
This educational event is being sponsored by the UT Center for Industrial Services Institute of Public Service for whom ETCCY is truly grateful! This event has been approved by the NASW-TN Chapter for 3.0 CEU credits for ETCCY members to request at the event. CEU’s requested will be sent by email.
(Certificates of Participation with Contact Hours will be provided to all attendees at the event.)
What is this educational event about?
The opioid crisis has not only wreaked havoc on the US, but has disproportionally affected some states, including Tennessee. Fentanyl overdose deaths have been reported as the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45 by the CDC. This presentation will include information about how the opioid crisis has become a national public health emergency, the effects it has had on children and families, the current state of affairs, and actions Tennessee leaders are taking to overcome this issue and improve the health of our state.
The Lunch Menu will include Fresh Croissants with Chicken Salad or Turkey, Tossed Salad with Assorted Dressings and Condiments, Fresh Fruit Cup, Assorted Potato Chips, Assorted Fresh Baked Cookies, Iced Tea, Coffee, and Water.
Registration begins at 9:00 AM. The presentation will begin at 9:30 AM. There will be a one-hour break for lunch and
engagement at 11:00 AM. The presentation will convene at Noon and continue until 1:30 PM.