LEOKA FBI Information & Forms
Agencies who submit an incident designated as LEOKA must also submit supplemental information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The following is information supplied by the FBI for completion of this documentation:
The FBI asks that you do the following:
- Print and/or photocopy a "LEOKA Packet" for each assault with injury victim.
- Prior to completing Form 1-701, you should complete the Checklist. Completion of the Checklist will assist you in determining if Form 1-701 should be completed for each particular assault with injury victim.
- If both boxes in "A" of the Checklist are selected, Form 1-701 should be completed in reference to the assault with injury victim/incident. The completed Checklist and Form 1-701 should be submitted to the FBI LEOKA Program. (NOTE: In order for the detailed assault information to be processed and included in the publishable data, "Part IX – Narrative of Incident" on Form 1-701 must be provided or you may opt to include a copy of the details portion of the incident report.)
- If both boxes in "B" of the Checklist are selected, the completed Checklist should be submitted to the FBI LEOKA Program; however, Form 1-701 does not have to be completed in reference to the assault with injury victim/incident.
- If any box in "C" of the Checklist is selected, the completed Checklist should be submitted to the FBI LEOKA Program. In addition, you should amend the LEOKA data submission appropriately and resubmit the incident to the FBI UCR Program through your regular reporting process.
All completed Checklists and Forms 1-701 should be submitted to the FBI LEOKA Program via email at leoka.statistics@ic.fbi.gov.
Please note that if the you wish to monitor incidents in which law enforcement officers are assaulted and injured with firearms or knives/other cutting instruments, a blank copy of the attached "LEOKA Packet" consisting of a Checklist and a Form 1-701 "Analysis of Officers Feloniously Killed and Assaulted" can be saved on your computer, completed, and submitted to the FBI LEOKA Program as incidents occur. It is not necessary for the State Program and/or victim officers’ agencies to wait for our requests before submitting this data.
If it is discovered that an amendment to the monthly LEOKA submission is necessary, in order for FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) records to successfully reflect the corrected data, the amended monthly LEOKA report should be submitted to the FBI’s UCR Program via your agency’s normal reporting procedures.
Please return all completed Checklists and Forms 1-701 to the FBI LEOKA Program via email leoka.statistics@ic.fbi.gov, facsimile (304) 625-3566, or mail: LEOKA Program, Crime Statistics Management Unit, CJIS Division, FBI, Module E3, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306-0159. Any questions may be directed to Frankie L. Kelley or Kristi M. Wolford at (304) 625-3521.