Tennessee FlexCheck
The Tennessee FlexCheck, is an online resource to allow agencies to submit data and reports to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation electronically.
Agencies including court clerks, sheriff's departments, police departments, district attorney's offices, defense attorney's offices, and the public can submit different types of data and reports. With this resource, TBI can accept TAPS (Tennessee Applicant Processing), TORIS (Tennessee Open Records Information Services), TICS (Tennessee Instant Check), Dispositions, Diversions, and Expungements electronically.
FlexCheck allows agencies to submit information electronically, removing the need to mail in any paper submissions to the TBI. Agencies can also be able to communicate directly with TBI through the system if there are any questions regarding the information submitted. Court clerks will be able to see if the data they submitted has been processed by TBI, and they will receive confirmation via email once completed.