If you want to gain computer experience to start or advance your career in the high-technology industry, find out if you’re eligible for our Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC) program that matches you with a leading training provider to help you develop high-tech skills. VET TEC is designed to ensure participants' successful completion of the program all the way to the point of finding new jobs, running their own companies, or advancing in their current high-tech careers.

You may be eligible for VET TEC if you meet all of these requirements.

All of these must be true:

  • You aren’t on active duty or are within 180 days of separating from active duty, and
  • You qualify for VA education assistance under any GI Bill, and
  • You have at least one day of unexpired GI Bill entitlement, and
  • You’re accepted into a program by a VA-approved training vendor

(Browse the list of VA-approved VET TEC training providers)

Note: Your VET TEC training will not count against your GI Bill entitlement.

You can get training in one of these high-demand training areas:

  • Computer software
  • Computer programming
  • Data processing
  • Information science
  • Media applications

You can get:

  • Tuition for a full-time high-tech training program
  • Money for housing during your training
    • If you attend your training program in person, your housing stipend will be equal to the monthly military Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for an E-5 with dependents. This is based on the zip code where you attend your training.
    • If you participate in an online program, your stipend will be half of the BAH national average for an E-5 with dependents: $1,054.50
    • Your monthly housing allowance (MHA) will be paid directly to you.  
    • You’ll need to verify your enrollment every month to get payments. 

Note: If you don’t attend a training for a full month, we’ll prorate your housing payment for the days you train.

Note: If you’re on active duty, you’re not eligible to receive a housing allowance.

You can apply for the VET TEC program online.
Apply for the VET TEC program

If the VA determines that you’re eligible for VET TEC, you’ll then apply to the VA-approved training provider of your choice. Your training provider may review your qualifications to assess whether they think you’ll be able to successfully complete their training program and find meaningful, relevant employment.

VET TEC is a 5-year pilot program. You can participate as long as the funding is available.

Note: If you haven’t already applied for VA education benefits, you’ll also need to fill out an Application for VA Education Benefits (VA Form 22-1990) or apply online.
Apply for VA education benefits

VET TEC training providers

Browse the list of VA-approved VET TEC training providers

A provider is considered “preferred” if the training facility agrees to refund tuition and fees if a student doesn’t find meaningful employment within 180 days of completing the program.

VA will enter into agreements with organizations (referred to as “Training Providers”) that provide training and job placement outcomes. VA will incentivize these partners with a “pay-for-performance” model that pays these institutions incrementally based on the progress and success of their students.

VA will pay the Training Provider:

  • An initial 25 percent of tuition and fees when the student enrolls and attends.
  • Another 25 percent when the student completes his or her training program.
  • The remaining 50 percent once the student secures meaningful employment in his or her field of study.

Documentation showing the student has found meaningful employment will be required.  Training Providers will need to make sure students are aware they will need to document their employment so the final tuition and fees payment can be released.
NOTE - Training Providers may not charge for tuition and fees and refund charges when VA payments are received.


A Training Provider has mandatory tuition and fees charge of $10,000

The Provider will be paid:

  • An initial 25 percent of tuition and fees when the student enrolls and attends - $2,500
  • Another 25 percent when the student completes his or her training program - $2,500
  • The remaining 50 percent once the student secures meaning employment in his or her field of study - $5,000

       The Training Provider cannot receive the initial payment of $2,500 and then charge $7,500 to be refunded when VA pays.

You’ll need to verify your enrollment each month by email for Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC).

Include this information in your email: 

  • Your first name, middle initial, and last name, and
  • The dates you were enrolled in training for the month

Verify your enrollment: Verify your enrollment by email

For More Information, contact your State Education Office:



GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.