June 4, 2024
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm CST
Zoom Meeting ID: 771 0150 2745 Passcode: 9Y2AcV

The Transition Services Team is hosting a series of virtual presentations to help students who are deafblind and other adolescents with disabilities. These sessions will focus on resources and options for life after high school. Students with disabilities, parents, providers, and advocates are invited to join and bring questions to these virtual sessions happening on the first Tuesday of each month between February 2024 and January 2025.
Topics will include the following and more:
- Vocational Rehabilitation: In-School and Out-of-School Services
- Social Security Income/Social Security Disability Insurance
- Medicaid Waiver
- Person-Centered Planning
- Customized Employment
- Successful Transition Stories
About the Transition Services Team and the Division of Rehabilitation Services:
The Division of Rehabilitation Services focuses on helping Tennesseans with disabilities manage employment and increase independence and understands that making the transition to adult life and work can be complex. The division’s Transition Services Team specializes in helping students with disabilities to build foundations for a bright future and higher levels of independence.
Learn more: TN.Gov/HumanServices/DS/Vocational-Rehabilitation/Transition-Services.html.