April 26, 2021
10:00 am to 11:00 am
*Click here to view the hearing transcript.*
On April 26, 2021, from 10:00 am – 11:00 am Central, the Department of Human Services will hold a virtual rules hearing for Chapter 1240-02-04. This rules hearing will be held via WebEx and you can join by phone at 1-415-655-0003, meeting number (access code): 185 188 6004, meeting password: 3hBxQAHec65.
Video conferencing is currently permitted by Executive Order 78 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. During this hearing, the hearing officer will provide an introduction and any interested parties may make comments on the proposed rules. The rules comment period will be held open for 10 days following this hearing – through May 6, 2021, and written comments may be submitted to the Department of Human Services, 505 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37243, c/o the Office of General Counsel, 14th floor, James K. Polk Building.
If you have any technical difficulties or issues accessing this WebEx on the day of the hearing, please contact Matthew Tarpley at 615-253-1481. Two days after this rulemaking hearing, a transcript of the hearing and any comments received during that hearing will be made available to interested parties. Any party wishing to obtain a copy of such transcript may contact Matthew Tarpley at the number listed above.
Additional information can be found by clicking here.
WebEx Meeting Link: https://tngov.webex.com/tngov/j.php?MTID=m8b3b24c889bc2b28c3357b367cb1f12e